Nursing Review Issue 5 September-October 2023 | Page 13

Industry & Reform
Industry & Reform
A record number of 4,000 submissions were received over a six-week period , detailing trauma during childbirth .
“ No means no , except apparently in childbirth , and it ’ s time to change that .
“ I broke down … they didn ’ t even read my notes .”
Naomi ’ s story is just one example of the 4,000 submissions received by the inquiry , detailing the disrespectful – and sometimes dehumanising – treatment women have received in NSW ’ s maternity system .
Some lost their babies . Others carried the child home together with physical and mental trauma , which many blamed on themselves .
Many submissions wrote about a lack of informed consent to birth intervention , inadequate pain relief , weight shaming , and clinical incompetence .
“ No means no , except apparently in childbirth , and it ’ s time to change that ,” Hannah Dahlen , professor of midwifery at Western Sydney University , said .
“ This is the ‘ MeToo ’ movement of birth .”
New research , co-authored by Professor Dahlen , found that over 85 per cent of women in Australia would make different maternity care choices if they had another baby .
“ Women who stated that they would do something different for their next birth are more likely to describe their birth as traumatic ,” Professor Dahlen told Nursing Review .
“ Being informed of their choices and making personalised decisions regarding the available models of care would ideally lead to less regret and improved birth experiences .”
Just 48 hours after the inquiry in Wollongong , the state announced a “ blueprint ” for an expert advisory group that will centre women ’ s care and support during pregnancy .
Health minister Ryan Park said the accounts impacted him and he would never forget the stories that were shared .
“ I ’ m committed to improving the birthing experience of women , their partners and families right across NSW , and I care about getting their input into our maternity services ,” Mr Park said . “ The stories coming out of the parliamentary inquiry into birth trauma were challenging to hear , but we must learn from the lived experience of these women and understand how we can do better .
“ This new expert advisory group is the next step in implementing our strategic plan Blueprint for Action - Maternity Care in NSW and will ensure women are put at the centre of their own care .”
The advisory group will include midwifery and obstetric leads from each local health district and is expected to meet for the first time in the coming months .
The 52-page blueprint outlined 10 goals , including respectful and inclusive care , and providing complete , timely , unbiased and tailored information about outcomes associated with labour and birth .
It also discussed co-designed postnatal care and briefly referenced care after stillbirth or miscarriage .
Mr Park said the group will run until there were “ significant improvements ”.
Better Births Illawarra vice president Sharon Settecasse supported the group but voiced scepticism regarding action .
“ We have supported the blueprint for action in principle ; however , we really want this advisory group to live up to its name and actually take action ,” Ms Settecasse said .
“ If the minister can guarantee to consumers that they are involved from the very beginning , that there is power balance in the room between obstetricians , midwives , researchers and consumers , then I think it ’ s a really positive move forward , but it is just a step .”
“ We really want a guarantee that this advisory group will create change .”
Three more public hearings are scheduled to run till the end of the year , with a final report due in February 2024 . ■
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