Nursing Review Issue 2 March-April 2021 | Page 2

For Healthcare professional use only . For Formula-fed infants .




S-26 Alula Gold provides nutritional support for key areas of paediatric development and function .
The predominant saturated fatty acid found in breast milk may improve fat and calcium absorption , helping to soften stools 1-4
Infant formula enriched with sn-2 palmitate may result in softer stools . 1 , 3
Sn-2 palmitate enriched infant formula is associated with increased bone mineral content at 4 months of age and increased calcium bioavailability . 1 , 3 , 5-10
For more information , please visit www . alula . com . au or contact our Careline to find out more 1800 552 229
IMPORTANT STATEMENT : Breastfeeding is best for babies . It has benefits for the infant , such as reducing infection risk , and for the mother . It is important to have a healthy balanced diet in preparation for , and during breastfeeding . Infant formula is designed to replace breast milk when an infant is not breastfed . Breastfeeding can be negatively affected by introducing partial bottle-feeding , and reversing a decision not to breastfeed is difficult . Infant formula must be prepared and used as directed . Unnecessary or improper use of infant formula , such as not properly boiling water or sterilising feeding equipment , may make your baby ill . Social and financial implications , including preparation time and the cost of formula , should be considered when selecting a method of infant feeding .
References : 1 . Yao M , et al . , 2014 , J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr ; 59 ( 4 ): 440 -44 . 2 . Carnielli V , et al ., 1996 , J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr , 23:553 -560 . 3 . Kennedy K , et al . 1999 , Am J Clin Nutr ; 70:920 -7 . 4 . Bar-Yoseph , F ., et al . 2013 . PLEFA 89 ( 4 ), pp . 139-143 . 5 . Bronsky J , et al . 2019 , J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr . 68 ( 5 ): 742-760 . 6 . Nowacki , J et al ., 2014 , Nutr J . 5 ; 13:105 . 7 . Litmanovitz , I . et al , 2013 , Calcif Tissue Int . 92 ( 1 ): 35-41 8 . Béghin L , et al ., 2019 , Clin Nutr . 38 ( 3 ): 1023- 1030 9 . Lönnerdal , B ., 2003 . Am J Clin Nutr , 77 , pp . 1537S-43S 10 . Martin , C ., Ling , P . & Blackburn , G ., 2016 , Nutrients , 8 ( 279 ), pp . 1-11
® S-26 is a registered trade mark used under licence . Distributed by Sanulac Nutritionals Australia Pty Ltd . ABN 31 160 607 509 . Level 1 , 42-44 Chandos Street , St Leonards , NSW 2065 . 15022021 _ AN05282