Nursing in Practice Winter 2023 issue | Page 8

8 | Nursing in Practice | Winter 2023

A manifesto for general practice nursing

We hear from many GPNs who aren ’ t happy with the direction of travel at their practices or the progress of the profession , so we asked 10 nurses for their top priorities to create a manifesto for general practice nursing . By Kathy Oxtoby
Workforce shortages , soaring patient demand , and pay and conditions that fall far short of those on offer to nurses working in secondary care are just some of the ongoing issues faced by general practice nurses ( GPNs ).
Nurses , though , are developing new and innovative ways to respond to these challenges and improve patient care , from a one-stop health shop to tackle health inequalities , to a project to encourage more student nurse placements .
GPNs are making their own recommendations for tackling the difficulties in the sector . Here , within their contributions to the manifesto , nurses share the actions they believe could be taken by practices , PCNs , the wider NHS , the government – and GPNs themselves .