Learn about hypertrophic cardiomyopathy from experts
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HCM is a more common genetic cardiovascular disorder than you may realise , affecting approximately 1 in 200 people . It involves thickening of the heart muscle , which can cause heart failure symptoms and may require a heart transplant .
Unfortunately , HCM is frequently misdiagnosed and often goes undiagnosed in primary care settings . Getting the right diagnosis is essential for patients . Make the cardiology referral and ensure that your patient is checked for HCM .
HCM Academy is a free online educational program designed to measurably improve clinician understanding and confidence around HCM . Specifically designed with primary care in mind , this webinar series was developed by renowned HCM-experts . The curriculum provides education and awareness surrounding HCM to support earlier diagnosis and improve disease management in primary care .
Free on-demand 3-part webinar series : Earn 3 CE credits !
Improve your clinical practice by completing our FREE expert on-demand 3-part webinar series specifically designed for primary care .
Learn how and when to detect HCM and earn up to 3 CE credits .
Access these online resources anytime , anywhere via the HCM Academy website .
Check out theHCMAcademy . com for more learning tools .
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