4 | Nursing in Practice | Winter 2023
Winter 2023
6 Less than 1 % of government ’ s 50,000 more nurses are GPNs Data show an increase of just 361 general practice nurses over four years
7 RCN to ‘ put a case ’ to government over GPN pay College surveys GPNs who have not received full 6 % pay uplift
8 A manifesto for general practice nursing Nursing in Practice asked 10 GPNs for their top priorities to help develop a manifesto for the future of the profession
14 ‘ 2024 will be the making or the demise of general practice nursing ’ In an exclusive interview , RCN primary care lead Heather Randle considers how to counter the growing threats to the GPN workforce
Government launches major Watch this space : The
The challenge of recruiting Q & A : Understanding sickle women ’ s health survey implications of the Letby case nurses into general practice cell disease P4
P18 P28
The latest news , clinical developments and professional guidance for nurses in general practice and the community nursinginpractice . com
IN PRACTICE Autumn 2023
20 Marilyn Eveleigh As Nursing in Practice goes online only , its first-ever editor introduces a special retrospective featuring a selection of past covers
22 Editorial Editor Carolyn Scott on what the digital publication offers nurses
23 Join us to set the agenda for GPNs News editor Megan Ford on how to get involved in 2024
Exclusive interview with QNI chief on her concerns for GPNs P8
26 General Practice Awards 2023 : Nursing Team of the Year Meet the award winners as well as all those on this year ’ s shortlist
28 My journey to advanced nurse practitioner in primary care Helen E Lewis shares what it means to her to work as an ANP in primary care , and considers the case for regulation of the role
30 In focus : Be proactive in respiratory care General practice respiratory nurse specialist Aleksandra Gawlik-Lipinski sets out how to improve respiratory disease services in primary care
32 In focus : Tackling CVD together British Society for Heart Failure Nurse Forum chair Delyth Rucarean discusses current priorities in cardiovascular disease prevention and management
34 Research update The potential of AI in spirometry , and discussing child overweight
38 Mycoplasma genitalium : An emerging global health threat Nurse consultant Sara Strodtbeck explains what primary care nurses need to know about an STI that is growing in importance
42 Quick quiz What are your options when an 18-year-old seeks emergency contraception ?
Cogora Limited 1 Giltspur Street , London , EC1A 9DD T 020 7214 0587 E nip @ cogora . com W nursinginpractice . com
Group editor Gemma Collins
Editor Carolyn Scott
News editor Megan Ford
Clinical editor Caroline Price
Art director James Depree
Director , primary healthcare media Ben Guynan
Advertising manager Ralph Robinson
Advisory board Rhona Aikman RGN BA MN , practice nurse , Gourock Medical Practice
Marilyn Eveleigh BA ( Hons ) PGCE RN RM RHV FWT NP , independent nurse consultant , former head of clinical quality and risk , lead nurse , Brighton and Hove City clinical commissioning group
Helen Lewis ANP ( MSc ) RN BSc ( Hons ) Rm B . Mid ( Hons ) GPN SpQ BSc ( Hons ), independent advanced nurse practitioner
The contents of this publication are protected by copyright . All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher . The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher , editor or editorial board . While the publisher has taken every care with regard to accuracy of editorial and advertisement contributions , they cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions contained therein . |
Published in the UK by Cogora Limited , London . Printed in the UK by Alban House Print Services Ltd , London .
ISSN 1473-9445
Cover illustration : Neil Webb