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Group editor Gemma Collins
Editor Carolyn Scott
News editor Megan Ford
Clinical editor Caroline Price
Reporter Wiliam Hunter
Art director James Depree
Director , primary healthcare media Ben Guynan
Advertising manager Ralph Robinson
Advisory board Rhona Aikman RGN BA MN , practice nurse , Gourock Medical Practice
Marilyn Eveleigh BA ( Hons ) PGCE RN RM RHV FWT NP , independent nurse consultant , former head of clinical quality and risk , lead nurse , Brighton and Hove City clinical commissioning group
Professor Julie Green QN FRCN , head , School of Nursing and Midwifery , Keele University
Helen Lewis ANP ( MSc ) RN BSc ( Hons ) Rm B . Mid ( Hons ) GPN SpQ BSc ( Hons ), independent advanced nurse practitioner
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Published in the UK by Cogora Limited , London . Printed in the UK by Alban House Print Services Ltd , London .
ISSN 1473-9445
Cover illustration : Getty