Nursing In Practice Summer 2023 issue | Page 3

Nursing in Practice | Summer 2023 | 3

Summer 2023

4 NMC register hits record size but leavers prompt retention concerns Highest-ever number of new joiners but many leaving the register early
5 ‘ Missed opportunity ’: Nurses overlooked in GP recovery plan New access plan criticised for lack of nursing involvement
6 Cover feature : Solving the social care puzzle Nursing provision has declined in care homes but those working in social care are piecing together promising solutions
10 Analysis : Nurses key to reversing the decline in child immunisation uptake Pandemic fallout and inequalities have hit vaccination rates , and nursing expertise is crucial if they are to return to recommended levels
16 Editorial Caring about social care …
18 Marilyn Eveleigh The system of pay for nurses is unfair and divisive
20 Lessons in leadership : Speaking out for nursing A place on her local LMC board allows Ruth Colbeck to provide a unique perspective for her healthcare colleagues and advocate for practice nursing
22 My day Working as a homelessness outreach nurse
24 RCN Congress 2023 round-up This year ’ s conference debated key issues facing the profession , including pay and the cost-of-living crisis , women ’ s health , racism and discrimination
26 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease ( GORD ) in adults 1.5 CPD hours Stay up to date on the diagnosis and management of GORD
30 Research update Antibiotics in under-5s and healthcare for the homeless
32 Equality How to be more inclusive towards transgender patients
36 Ten top tips : Chronic disease and the 2023 / 24 QOF campaign How nurses in general practice can drive the response to this years ’ targets
40 Mental health The rise in eating disorders : How can nurses help ?
42 Quick quiz Do you know the options when an pregnant woman wants to stop smoking ?
Cogora Limited 1 Giltspur Street , London , EC1A 9DD T 020 7214 0587 E nip @ cogora . com W nursinginpractice . com
Group editor Gemma Collins
Editor Carolyn Scott
News editor Megan Ford
Clinical editor Caroline Price
Reporter Wiliam Hunter
Art director James Depree
Director , primary healthcare media Ben Guynan
Advertising manager Ralph Robinson
Advisory board Rhona Aikman RGN BA MN , practice nurse , Gourock Medical Practice
Marilyn Eveleigh BA ( Hons ) PGCE RN RM RHV FWT NP , independent nurse consultant , former head of clinical quality and risk , lead nurse , Brighton and Hove City clinical commissioning group
Professor Julie Green QN FRCN , head , School of Nursing and Midwifery , Keele University
Helen Lewis ANP ( MSc ) RN BSc ( Hons ) Rm B . Mid ( Hons ) GPN SpQ BSc ( Hons ), independent advanced nurse practitioner
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Published in the UK by Cogora Limited , London . Printed in the UK by Alban House Print Services Ltd , London .
ISSN 1473-9445
Cover illustration : Getty