Nursing In Practice Summer 2023 issue | Page 22

22 | Nursing in Practice | Summer 2023

Working as a homelessness

outreach nurse

Jane Morton , advanced nurse practitioner and senior lecturer in advanced clinical practice at Staffordshire University , talks to Wiliam Hunter about a day working as lead for North Staffordshire GP Federation ’ s homelessness health service team
The time I get up depends on what shift I am doing that day . We have an early morning outreach programme that starts at six o ’ clock so that can mean a 4:30 am start , but that ’ s only once a week , thank goodness .
I usually take the dog for a walk before I go to work . I live on the outskirts of the city of Stoke-on-Trent and it ’ s a beautiful area .
I ’ ll log onto a laptop to pick up any messages or emails that have come through , as well as details of any new hospital admissions . We work closely with the rough sleepers team . They will go out and identify anyone who ’ s been sleeping rough and contact us to see if there are any health issues they need to be aware of that would influence their placement in temporary accommodation . They will also let us know if there are any people who they feel would benefit from a visit from the homelessness health team .
The clinics start around 9:30 am , so if we ’ re working on community outreach we ’ ll set up the van , pull out the canopy and lay out tea and coffee facilities . We then put out signs to let everyone know we ’ re open for business !
People just come along to see us for whatever they need , so we ’ ll see people for a variety of reasons , from a simple chat to needle exchange or treatments . We carry a fair amount of stock , so we can deal with most things . We are also all ANPs , so we can use electronic prescribing where appropriate . For example , we see quite a few people with abscesses and chest infections , and we can send an electronic prescription to the nearest pharmacy , where the person can go to pick up the medication .
Sometimes people just come along for a bit of support , and we can signpost them to food banks or to facilities where they can get access to a shower and a change of clothes . Most days , we will have somebody with us from the rough sleepers team , so if someone comes in and has been rough sleeping they can put referrals in directly to local housing services .
After the morning session , we ’ ll try to move the van somewhere a bit quiet and eat lunch in there . Alternatively , when the weather is warm , it ’ s nice to go to sit in a park , just to give ourselves a short break in the fresh air and a bit of headspace .
After lunch , we pack up the van and drive to another location for the afternoon session . A distance of about six miles is usually the furthest we will travel .
While the population we work with tends to be very mobile , we do keep seeing the same people popping up in different locations . The fact that we ’ re a small team and we can get to know them all is very important .
We get a regular donation from a local business to buy things to keep the van . For example , I always make sure we ’ ve got socks spare . When we put a clean bandage on someone , we don ’ t want to put grubby socks back on , so we ’ re lucky to have the donation for important items .
After we ’ ve seen all those who need our help , I ’ ll head home to go through the admin work in the evening . Since Covid , I ’ m lucky to have a nice private office set-up so I can log in remotely . I work through all the referrals and order any stock we need for the van .
As a small team , we are able to work autonomously , building relationships with people and addressing needs as they arise . We also work with the police , probation , drug and alcohol workers , and housing providers . I really enjoy being part of a multidisciplinary team that goes beyond health-related needs . We see things from other perspectives , giving us a better overall understanding .
The admin work can take me well into the evening , but I generally don ’ t finish much later than about eight . After work I ’ ll take the dog out again , do some yoga or visit my mum , who lives nearby .
I am lucky to have a manager who is very supportive . I ’ m currently working part time , but I can be versatile with that , so if I finish a clinic a bit early then I can use that leftover time to do other things . It ’ s very flexible , which is brilliant , because it helps me to achieve a better work-life balance .
Profile Jane Morton
Location Stoke-on-Trent
Roles ANP and project lead for North Staffordshire GP Federation ’ s homelessness health service team
Areas of responsibility Commissioned to provide healthcare on an outreach basis to anyone over 18 who is homeless or vulnerably housed . Provides drug rehabilitation services , and supports information sharing with police and probation services .