Nursing In Practice Summer 2023 issue | Page 15


At Breast Cancer Now , we have a fantastic range of free support services for anyone affected by breast cancer . With your help , more people can find out about the support we give . We know that a referral from a healthcare professional that someone trusts is the best possible recommendation . So together , let ’ s make sure that people affected by breast cancer are getting the support they need . Read on to find out more about the services we can offer your patients .
Support for primary breast cancer For lots of people , talking to someone who ’ s also been through a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment can be really helpful . With Someone Like Me , we carefully match people with trained volunteers who ’ ve had a similar experience of breast cancer . They ’ ll be a phone call or email away to answer questions , offer support or simply listen without judgement . Because there ’ s nothing like finding someone who really understands .
“ Breast Cancer Now was my support from day 1 . When I had no idea where to turn , their Someone Like Me service connected me with someone else who had breast cancer .”
– Someone Like Me service user
We know it ’ s not always “ back to normal ” when finishing hospital treatment for primary breast cancer . That ’ s why Moving Forward is here . Through supportive conversations in a safe , confidential space , your patients will find the tools they need to move forward with their life .
We also have Becca , the breast cancer support app that ’ s a pocket companion to patients with primary breast cancer . Our award-winning , free mobile app has trustworthy information and real-life stories for anyone living with or beyond breast cancer .
If you have a patient who ’ s 45 or under , they may feel like they ’ re the only younger woman with breast cancer . Younger Women Together is for them . They ’ ll have the chance to meet other people of the same age , and get tailored support on topics like relationships , exercise and fertility . Sessions take place online over 4 weeks .
Support for secondary breast cancer If you have a patient with secondary breast cancer , you ’ ll know that it can be full of uncertainties . Living with Secondary Breast Cancer is there for anyone with a secondary diagnosis , no matter what . We have different options , all facilitated by trained counsellors , to help your patients find the support they need . They ’ ll be able to talk , listen and learn with people who understand the challenges that secondary breast cancer brings .
Support for everyone Breast cancer can be hard to make sense of . Your patients will probably have lots of worries or questions . Our specialist team of breast care nurses are ready to listen on our helpline or Ask Our Nurses messaging service . Whatever your patients may be going through , we ’ re here to help them feel more confident , informed and supported .
Your patients can also connect with others on our online forum . Thousands of people affected by breast cancer use it - they ’ re always ready to listen , share and support each other . Day or night . Anyone can talk about what ’ s on their mind in a safe , confidential space , with people who understand .
Now you know about our services , you can refer your patients to any of them using our Here For You referral service . To register for the service , email us at hereforyou @ breastcancernow . org or call 0345 077 1893 . Thank you for being here for people affected by breast cancer .
We ’ re Breast Cancer Now , the research and support charity . For more information about our support services , please visit : breastcancernow . org / NiP
Anyone can call our free , confidential helpline on 0808 800 6000 for information and support .
Breast Cancer Now is a charity registered in England and Wales ( 1160558 ), Scotland ( SC045584 ), and the Isle of Man ( 1200 ).