Nursing in Practice Spring 2023 | Page 5

Advanced nurse practitioner role now part of ARRS scheme
Advanced nurse practitioner is one of two new roles that have been added to the additional roles reimbursement scheme ( ARRS ) under a series of changes introduced through a new GP contract .
NHS England says it is adding advanced clinical practitioner nurses to the roles eligible for funding under the scheme from April , along with apprentice physician associates .
PCNs covering fewer than 100,000 patients will be able to hire a third advanced nurse practitioner , while those with lists larger than that will be able to hire six , double the current number . And networks will be reimbursed for the time that first-contact practitioners have spent out of practice training .
The changes are part of an imposed GP contract for 2023 / 24 , which focuses primarily on patient access but includes no new funding .
PCNs will also see all caps removed for hiring mental health practitioners ( MHPs ). Practices were previously only allowed to recruit two MHPs if they served fewer than 100,000 patients , or four if they served a larger population .
NHS England has also re-advised PCNs to offer ARRS staff permanent contracts ‘ where appropriate ’, as such staff are to be considered part of the core GP cost base beyond 2023 / 24 . bit . ly / 3JGb0jm
Overstretched community services ‘ failing older patients ’
Overstretched and underfunded community health services are failing older patients and contributing to the NHS crisis , an Age UK report has warned .
The charity warns longstanding problems in community healthcare and adult social care are making it more difficult for older people to access the support they need to avoid admission .
More joined-up care in the community and better staffing levels for key roles such as general practice nursing and district nursing would help to reduce pressure on hospitals , the authors argue , pointing out that half ( 49 %) of all people arriving at A & E by ambulance are over 65 .
The report states : ‘ Many older people rely first and foremost on the services provided out of GP practices , by doctors and practice nurses especially .’
The proportion of older people feeling supported to manage their health has fallen by 20 % since 2016 / 17 , and one in five over-80s has some unmet need for social care , the report says . bit . ly / 3LmIlB5
Nurses should be able to approve abortions , suggests UK study
Nurses and midwives should be able to approve abortions , a UK study has concluded .
The findings of the Shaping Abortion for Change ( SACHA ) report , led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine , has recommended significant changes in abortion healthcare law to bring legislation in line with current practice .
Current law , under the 1967 Abortion Act , requires abortions to be approved by two doctors . The way this law is currently interpreted means nurses are not allowed to perform vacuum aspirations for abortion , even though they are permitted to conduct the same procedures for miscarriages with patients who are up to 14 weeks ’ pregnant .
The study , which was funded by the National Institute for Health Research , suggests the regulations should be changed to allow nurses and midwives to authorise an abortion , prescribe abortion medication and perform vacuum aspirations .
Kaye Wellings , SACHA co-lead and professor of sexual and reproductive health research at LSHTM , says that ‘ as abortion provision is increasingly nurse-led , it makes sense for nurses and midwives to be able to sign off abortions instead of having to pass their paperwork to two doctors , who usually have no contact with the patient ’. bit . ly / 3l4XJr6
Poverty linked to increased risk of dementia
People living in poverty are at an increased risk of developing dementia compared with people of higher economic status , regardless of genetics , according to a new study led by the University of Exeter .
It says low socioeconomic conditions , at individual and community levels , contribute to the risk of developing dementia . Living in a very disadvantaged neighbourhood poses a particular risk .
The findings , published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine , point to the affect of environmental influences on brain health .
The researchers analysed data from 196,368 UK Biobank participants aged over 60 and without a dementia diagnosis between 2006-2010 to assess who was genetically at risk of developing the condition .
The study data show an individual ’ s socioeconomic conditions and area-level conditions contribute to the risk . Participants with a moderate or high genetic risk were at a significantly higher risk of developing dementia if they lived in a deprived area . bit . ly / 3YNERdZ multidisciplinary management of overweight or obesity . Manufacturer Novo Nordisk is to confirm a UK launch date . bit . ly / 3JEmX99
NHSE chief apologises to nurse after racial discrimination case A black senior nurse who was the victim of racial discrimination at work has received a written apology from NHS England chief executive Amanda Pritchard , following a landmark legal victory .
An employment tribunal ruled that Michelle Cox was treated unfavourably by NHS England and NHS Improvement because of her race and willingness to speak out . Ms Pritchard praised Ms Cox ’ s ‘ courage and resilience ’.
RCN director for England Patricia Marquis said : ‘ This outcome must drive change – racial discrimination should never be acceptable or tolerated and must be rooted out .’ bit . ly / 40893Sa
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