Nursing in Practice Spring 2023 | Page 31


LIVE Virtual Conference

IOTOD 2023 | 17 th – 18 th May

21 st Annual Conference

7 CME credits

Do you feel confident managing patients with opioid dependence ?

This 2-day live virtual event will deliver a variety of sessions via interactive seminars , workshops , satellite symposia , expert panel discussions , and a poster hall .
Why attend ?
IOTOD 2023 will include valuable sessions which will help you understand the latest advances in supporting patients with opioid dependence within primary care :
• Understand how to improve patient outcomes
• Get up to date with the latest research and emerging treatments
• Hear from international and multi-disciplinary experts
• Gain CME credits
Conference highlights
• Patient perspective on preventative services and shared decision making
• Evolving patient groups including women , the older patient population , migrants and youths and the impact on treatment providers
• Best practice for psychosocial treatments
• The burden of viral hepatitis and its treatment
• Balancing the treatment of opioid dependence and chronic pain
• Opioid dependency and the impact on long-term cognitive effects

Registration is now open !

Learn more about this live virtual conference event via www . iotodeducation . com or scan the QR code >>>
The European Accreditation Committee in CNS ( EACIC ) has granted 7 CME credits to this event . To obtain your CME credits , please fi ll in the online event evaluation form at www . eacic . eu .
The Event Code is IOTOD23
Improving Outcomes in the Treatment of Opioid Dependence ( IOTOD ) conference is supported by various financial supporters . The educational programme is run at arm ’ s length from the financial supporters and all content is created by the faculty . No funder has had input into the content of the materials or presentations used in the educational programme . PCM Scientific is the medical education company acting as scientific secretariat and conference organiser .