Nursing in Practice Spring 2023 | Page 22

22 | Nursing in Practice | Spring 2023

Nurses to have a ‘ strong

strategic ’ voice in ICBs

The launch of the new ICB Chief Nurse Network recognises the importance of nursing input at strategic level . The network ’ s chair Louise Patten tells Wiliam Hunter about her role and the potential to influence policy
Nurses are set to have an ‘ influential ’ voice at national level and within integrated care systems ( ICSs ), according to the newly appointed chair of the ICB Chief Nurse Network , launched in February .
Louise Patten , who is also ICS strategic advisor for the NHS Confederation , says the launch represents an unprecedented moment : ‘ Never before has nursing had such an opportunity to have a strong strategic voice . At the moment there is a focus on out-of-hospital care , and it ’ s nurses who will take on accountability for those people coming home .
‘ And I think given the emphasis on population health management , and on developing partnerships , our input will be more important than ever .’
The group of chief nurses on ICBs , a collaboration between the Queen ’ s Nursing Institute ( QNI ) and the NHS Confederation , was formed , Ms Paten says , in recognition of ‘ just how different integrated care systems are from any other NHS organisation we ’ ve had ’.
‘ We were delighted when it was announced that there would be a mandated chief nursing post at ICB level . When you think there are only 42 ICBs , those nurses have a real opportunity , not only at local level , but straight up to NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care .
‘ It will be my role with the QNI and the Confederation to use this joint exercise to ensure chief nurses are linked into the thinking , the lobbying , and the policymakers .
‘ We want to ensure that this group [ of nurses ] are linked into as many of these discussions as possible ; not
This is a real opportunity , not only at local level but straight up to NHS England and the DHSC
just when the policy comes out but actually influencing the policy as its being formed .’
Ms Patten says she hopes the ICB Chief Nurse Network will also play a role in developing best practice for nurses across England .
Innovation and best practice ‘ We have to bear in mind that of the 42 ICBs , no two are the same . But at the NHS Confederation , we have this umbrella view , and we see great examples of innovation and best practice that should be shared widely .
‘ Our goal is to make sure that the best practice is caught and shared across our membership organisations , who often have their heads down with their own work and innovation , so don ’ t always have time to share that with others .
‘ This is about making sure that if a nurse has a special interest or particular experience , they are linked to the conversation happening around that bit of policy or innovation .’
This role of making connections and developing practice , Ms Patten adds , is one to which nurses are particularly well suited within the ICB system .
‘ I think that nurses have a real history of just getting on and doing – they can make those partnerships and relationships work and they ’ re very good at dealing with people .
‘ So there is a real opportunity here for ICB chief nurses to demonstrate the skills that they have in system leadership .’