Nursing in Practice Autumn 2023 issue | Page 5

Nursing in Practice | Autumn 2023 | 3

Autumn 2023

4 Government launches women ’ s health survey to help shape policy Seeks data on menstrual health , contraception , pregnancy and menopause
5 Poor growth in GPN numbers ‘ seriously worrying ’ Number of GPNs up just 1.6 % year on year , with overall headcount down
8 Contribution of GPNs being ‘ airbrushed out and ignored ’, says QNI chief As general practice nurses are absent from national plans and sidelined over pay , Dr Crystal Oldman warns NHS England to wake up before it ’ s too late
12 GPN shortages a ‘ real barrier ’ to provision of contraception care Workforce shortages , alongside funding issues and staff training gaps , have sparked concerns over access to contraceptive services in general practice
16 Editorial Is your voice being heard in general practice ?
18 Marilyn Eveleigh Watch this space : The implications of the Lucy Letby case
22 My day Working as a registered nurse in a care home
26 Lessons in leadership : Looking after asylum-seeking families Virginia Hickman shares the success of the dedicated team she helped develop to meet the healthcare needs of asylum seekers
28 The challenge of recruiting more nurses into general practice The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan sets welcome targets for recruitment , but how achievable are they given the current situation in general practice ?
30 Understanding shingles and the extended vaccination campaign Guidance on diagnosing and treating shingles , as a new NHS campaign targets almost a million people with the Shingrix vaccine
34 Research update Caring for children with disability , and insight into female genital mutilation
36 Management of leg ulceration 1.5 CPD hours A guide to the principles of assessing and treating lower-limb ulceration
40 Ten top tips : Managing workforce pressures in the coming winter How to use wider practice and PCN teams to meet the challenges ahead
44 Q & A : Understanding sickle cell disease Advice for nurses from clinical lead for sickle cell disease Nkechi Anyanwu
46 Quick quiz How does management change when a woman has an alarming HIV result ?
Reference chart : Emollient choices at-a-glance guide , see page 34
Cogora Limited 1 Giltspur Street , London , EC1A 9DD T 020 7214 0587 E nip @ cogora . com W nursinginpractice . com
Group editor Gemma Collins
Editor Carolyn Scott
News editor Megan Ford
Clinical editor Caroline Price
Reporter Wiliam Hunter
Art director James Depree
Director , primary healthcare media Ben Guynan
Advertising manager Ralph Robinson
Advisory board Rhona Aikman RGN BA MN , practice nurse , Gourock Medical Practice
Marilyn Eveleigh BA ( Hons ) PGCE RN RM RHV FWT NP , independent nurse consultant , former head of clinical quality and risk , lead nurse , Brighton and Hove City clinical commissioning group
Helen Lewis ANP ( MSc ) RN BSc ( Hons ) Rm B . Mid ( Hons ) GPN SpQ BSc ( Hons ), independent advanced nurse practitioner
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Published in the UK by Cogora Limited , London . Printed in the UK by Alban House Print Services Ltd , London .
ISSN 1473-9445
Cover illustration : Jon Berkeley