Nursery Online: Distributor Guide 2017 Distributor Guide 2017 | Page 16

You can learn more at : nursery-online . com or contact us : cathy @ nursery-online . com | 0151 203 6301 | lyn @ nursery-online . com | 01304 374169 | 07971 700979

* Distriputor Distributor Special *

Whitestep Ltd – distributor of innovation
A well-established and trusted distributor of some of the most innovative brands and products to the nursery industry . As the sole distributor of BABYZENTM and mifold in the United Kingdom , we are thrilled to be involved in bringing exciting and stylish products to the UK market .
Whitestep was founded in 2007 by Audrey Mizrahi , who as a mother herself to young children , could see that there was potential to fill a gap in the UK market . Armed with a vision to broaden the nursery industry Whitestep was born . A company specialising in baby and children ’ s products with a twist , by sourcing cool , innovative brands that offer stylish , revolutionary items that are loved by both parents and their children .
Distributing to a number of the UK ’ s largest retailers such as John Lewis , Mothercare , Mamas and Papas and Asda as well as the iconic Harrods in London and over 100 other smaller independent stores , Whitestep is proud of the recognition within the industry and growth the company has made over the last 10 years .
Featuring the award-winning BABYZEN range of pushchairs and accessories , the BABYZEN YOYO + is bursting with innovation and is famous worldwide for their easy fold mechanism and revolutionary compactness . Multi award winning in 2016 and 2017 , this is a firm favourite with parents .
The newest addition to the Whitestep range is mifold , the Grab-and-Go Booster , a car seat that combines both convenience and safety for the first time ever – it ’ s slick and compact design makes for easy portability for both parents and children giving peace of mind during those unexpected trips .
Also offering the Simply Good range , including baby carriers , nursing pillows to playmats and educational toys , Simply Good will bring to you simplicity and style without compromising functionality !
If you would like more information please don ’ t hesitate to get in touch with us . We will be happy to hear from you !
Get in contact enquiry @ whitestep . co . uk www . whitestep . co . uk T : 0207 323 9514
You can learn more at : nursery-online . com or contact us : cathy @ nursery-online . com | 0151 203 6301 | lyn @ nursery-online . com | 01304 374169 | 07971 700979