Nurse-Family Partnership NewsLink Spring 2017 | Page 12

Nurse-Family Partnership had another successful season of state advocacy days. Nurses, clients, administrators, supervisors and NSO staff took

to their state capitols in Arizona, New York, Texas and Utah to educate lawmakers and advocate

for Nurse-Family Partnership. Nurse-Family Partnership moms and babies were the stars with legislators and staffers. Thank you to all

who participated.

What’s next? MIECHV reauthorization efforts

are heating up on Capitol Hill and we will be calling upon our Nurse-Family Partnership supporters to weigh in with members of Congress at key points in the process over

the next six months. Sign up for important advocacy alerts.

Please contact your regional advocacy and business development manager or Sarah McGee, national director of advocacy, to learn how you can participate in NFP advocacy efforts. You

can also find the most up-to-date MIECHV information at

Nurse-Family Partnership Advocacy in Action

Top Photo: Utah County NFP team in Salt Lake City, UT.

Middle Photo: U.S. Rep. Tony Navarrete (center right) with Arizona NFP family and nurses in Phoenix, AZ.

Bottom Photo: Sen. Olivia Cajero Bedford (center) with Arizona NFP team in Phoenix, AZ.