On Giving Tuesday, November 28, 2017, make a gift to Nurse-Family Partnership and be part of a movement to support vulnerable families across the country in this season of giving.
Be sure to share your #MyGivingStory with Nurse-Family Partnership on Twitter via @NFP_nursefamily with why you donate to NFP and support our mission.
NFP NURSE is a #Sesamehero
NFP Nurse Sherika from the NFP program in Guilford County, NC shared how she helps young moms accomplish their goals in a Sesame Street Communities Webinar.
Check it out #SesameHero Sherika on Sesame Street’s Facebook page.
Lizbeth Ortiz-Luna, graduada del programa Nurse-Family Partnership de la division de la salud materna, infantil y de los adolescentes del Departamento de Salud Pública de San Francisco, habla de su embarazo de alto riesgo debido a su enfermedad Lupus con Ileana Burleson. De cómo su enfermera Ocean Berg la educó de los cambios que iban a ocurrir en su cuerpo, del crecimiento de su bebé en su vientre y el cuidado del mismo después de su nacimiento.
Selecione aquí para escuchar la entrevista en español.
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nurse-family partnership on NPR
KJZZ's The Show examines the importance of brain development during pregnancy. Listen to this story with NFP Nurse Beth Nobles and her client in Maricopa County.
Créditos de foto: Longway Photography