Nura Magazine NURA Magazine Summer 2017 | Page 4

Welcome to NURA Magazine Peace and Blessings Dear readers, In this issue, we are focusing on the general influence of diversity and cultural humility. Cultural humility is the ability to maintain an interpersonal perspective that is open to the viewpoints of others as it pertains to aspects of cultural identity that are important to the individual. Today, we live in a culturally rich society. Learning from different individuals and cultures can foster immense growth, promote creativity and improve interpersonal relationships. Our economy, education, and media are all influenced by different cultures, races, religions, ethnicities and the like. Unlike ever before, social media has offered a way for us to connect internationally. Across the universe, millions of people are using social media every day and that number continues to increase. Social media has become a part of our everyday lives and is a part of most individual’s daily routine. In order to be successful globally and as a nation we must ban together to be a force against the ills of world. One of the proudest moment as a country was the unity that we experienced in the Womans March earlier this year. As a whole we stood against injustice of all sorts regardless of creed, class and or color. In a society threaten by leaders who do not recognize the beauty in diversity, we must prove that we are united, we will stand together and divided we will fall. “No culture can live it attempts to be exclusive” -Mahatma Gandhi Best, NURA Founders 4 Akilah Dia-Amadi Co-Founder/Executive Director Summer 2017 | Crystal Davis Co-Founder/Editor-In-Chief