remember what was in whose closet. So I thought
like gosh I wish there was a way to remember
what’s in their closet from where I am. At first I
use to run around with a bunch of photos physically in my hand. I then moved to digital photos;
however, I had to make so many categories and
subcategories to keep track of everything.”
In 2015, Angelique published The Closet Club,
which consists of short stories of all of her closet
jobs over the years. The names of her clients have
been changed to protect their identities. This book
is a fun beach read containing humor and stories
that will give you that “oh wow fashion moment.”
Some stories are crazier than others and may leave
stunned saying, “oh my gosh that really happens in
this world.” Angelique plans to turn The Closet Club
into a movie, similar to The Devil Wears Prada but
for closets.
Angelic attributes her success to hard work and
determination. “I work really hard. I pretty much
work 24/7.” There are no days off for this
entrepreneur who believes the key to success is
to never give up. She highlights that there will
be moments where you will feel like you can’t
do this anymore. She believes you have to
keep pushing forward because you will make
it, if you stay focused, are organized and plan
accordingly. She also thinks that your team is
a major component as well. “Whatever you are
lacking that’s what you need to pick up. If you are
really creative you need someone who is a strategist
in your right hand corner. If you’re a straight and
narrow person you may need that outside thinker or
out of the box person to be your ying to your yang.
My thing is whatever you’re flawed at find someone
else who is not flawed in that area to work with you.”
NURA Magazine 45