Nura Magazine Fall/Winter 2016 | Page 29

ENOUGH BY WHITNEY J. H ow do you know when enough-- is enough? Many times in relationships, you get the feeling that this may not be the one for you. Instead of bowing out gracefully, you make up every excuse as to why you should not leave. You ask yourself things like, “what’s wrong with me?”, “Am I too picky?”, “Will he/she change?”, And “Can I change them?” The thing is, all of these things are just a part of the fear inside to actually get with and be with whom you actually deserve . Yes, you are correct, there are quirks with all people that some may not be able to handle. However, if you are aware that it’s something that absolutely bothers you then why settle for it? When you meet that person who is just right for you, the thing that seems to be a quirk to some will not appear that way to you. Why settle? When people describe love, we first reference what we’re programmed to understand at a young age from fairy tales. At a young age I watched Cinderella. I grew to understand that when the Princess kissed her Prince, there were stars and a magical up-beat song that played to let me know that this was it! This was the love story that the fairy tale was leading up to. Now reflect on the times that relationships did not work out. The times when you settled just to coexist, times when you knew in your heart that this wasn’t it. The butterfly feeling may have reached you in the beginning, but after the awe of the newness wore off, you were just comfortable. If love is supposed to lead to happily ever after, how do you expect to get there by settling? For me, it seems that when I take off the “Rose Colored” glasses, I am then able to see what everyone else around me has known for much longer than me. I was once involved in a relationship where there were so many warning signs but I had tunnel vision on the potential. I wanted so badly for the relationship to work that I focused on the good in the person and ignored all of the bad. Then, life hit me hard and it was as if my “Rose Colored” glasses fell off my face and I finally saw the person for who they were and not who they potentially could become. Needless to say--that relationship is no longer in existence. I truly believe that when people show you who they are you have to believe them! As quoted from the poem “Invictus” written by William Ernest Henley, “I am the Master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”. This poem can be interpreted for many different reasons, but when it comes to this love thing it seems that it makes sense for you to take the lead over your own happiness. Stop settling for being comfortable and push through to lead yourself into your happily ever after. Social Media: Instagram- @__whitney.j Facebook- Whitney Jazmine NURA Magazine 29