“Every morning find a way and a motivation to
get out of bed and make it happen!”
About the Book
I co-authored The Goddess Potential with a young
lady by the name of Allyson Leak. We basically
wanted to help women build a relationship with
their inner selves. We entered this project with just
a desire, a passion and a story to tell. This book
portrays the work I’ve completed within myself,
past experiences and things that I actually had
to sit-down and do. The book developed from
situations that happened in my life, which at the
time seemed very negative. However, you have to
trust that you are where you’re supposed to be.
Everything that happens to you is to only push
you further in life. The Goddess Potential was
also created from the perspective of a working
mother who forgets about herself. You’re always
giving and trying to do for other people and just
wondering when your day will come. When will all
the good things that you do for other people come
full circle. I don’t live my life like that anymore.
I realized that you have to live in the moment.
Every minute that you live is as equally important
and you need to do something that makes you
happy. If you’re not, then tomorrow you need
to regroup to get closer to that. That’s what The
Goddess Potential is all about.
Every chapter begins with a self-affirmation which
involves retraining your brain. If you’re doing
something a certain way for a long period of time,
it will take a minute to refocus and retrain your
mind. Although you may know something isn’t
right it may take a long time for you to complete
the necessary steps to change it. There is also a
chapter in the book where I talk about dating
yourself. This involves taking the necessary time
out for you. When you have children and people
pulling you from every direction, taking 10 minutes
is very necessary. Whether that involves reading
something inspirational, eating a Häagen-Dazs ice
cream bar or taking a minute to clear your head.
Those are the moments that I take for myself.
In the beginning stages of writing the book we had
to map it out, complete research and use different
studies. The book is self-published and the best
thing about being self-published is that we were able
to operate according to our own standards. We were
able to set our own rules and deadlines.
On Image
As corny as this may sound, I want people to look
at me as a great mom. It’s a job that we all take for
granted. As mother’s we are so busy loving others
that we are not always loved enough. I am a mother
of 3 and it’s definitely a full-time job. You have to
find a way to make it work every day. Some days it’s
very rewarding and some days it’s not. Regardless,
you have to keep going no matter what.
I’m less worried about what I want people to look
at me as. I would like for them to look at me as
a whole. I’m okay with the fact that some people
are going to relate to me and some are not. People
have different journeys for a reason. My journey is
not for people to mimic or even belittle in any way.
Sometimes people assume that I don’t love myself,
I don’t believe in myself, I have low self-esteem and
or that I didn’t have a father figure. That is all false.
I have several positive male figures in my life. My
father and I are very close; my grandfather and I are
very close; and my maternal grandfather and I were
NURA Magazine 25