Digipath Labs is one of the
Founding Fathers of cannabis
testing in Nevada and provides
a much-needed barrier between
substandard (or even potentially
harmful) cannabis products and
the general consuming public.
kets like Oregon to international growers in Co-
lombia -- creating a thorough and ever-evolving
understanding of the science of cannabis ap-
plied to product development. Digipath plans to
use this database to help expand knowledge of
cannabis, helping producers understand what
works and what doesn’t when it comes to can-
nabis products.
GroSciences, a subsidiary of Digipath, was
created to refine this data into effective formula-
tions for new cannabis businesses, helping them
create potent, safe products and, ultimately, to
better serve cannabis consumers worldwide. By
providing companies with the Science to Suc-
ceed, Digipath is effectively building the industry
standard for cannabis products through data-
driven practices and derived from a diverse and
ever-growing sample set.
Because of the relative newness of vaping
technology in particular, careful testing of can-
nabis and CBD vape products is essential for
both providers and the communities they serve.
Because of the lack of federal guidance and
regulation of the industry, independent labora-
tories like Digipath are a crucial part of the legal
cannabis ecosystem.
By working closely with growers and man-
ufacturers to ensure the safety and efficacy of
their products, Digipath hopes to better serve
both their clients and the medical and recre-
ational consumers they provide for. This is es-
pecially true of THC and CBD vapor products,
which don’t have the same wealth of available
data about their long-term effects as, say, cig-
arette smoking. Therefore, it is important to
Digipath (and to us at NUGL) to pay close atten-
tion to the evolving science of vaping cannabis
-- and to help consumers make safe, healthy
product decisions accordingly.
According to Dr. Cindy Orser, PhD and Chief
Science Officer of Digipath, there are several
concerns with cannabis and CBD vapor prod-
ucts: for one, she says, heavy metal contamina-
tion is a common problem, both from the vape
NUGL Magazine 15