Nufarmer November / December 2017 NUF NOV.DEC 17 | Page 3
Nufarmer Africa
From Nufarmer’s Pen
nother year is closing on us. For some it meant
the ever raging drought that spread losses
among animal and crop, possibly unemployment,
hunger, thirst and obviously infringe on the agri-
cultural economy. For others it was a booming year
for exports, new avenues to market along, new
developments and even new alternative farm-
ing avenues to obtain an extra income. Talking of
which – recently an interesting conversation took
place and the question of South Africa’s high and
ever-increasing input costs to farm and what per-
At fi rst light
centage the farmer reaps actually, came to the fore.
As an Eastern-Cape brought up youngster, I could
never understand why we raise these beautiful
Merino sheep, shear the wool and send it to Brit-
ain to have clothes made. So we import the cloth
and the suits and whatever wool garments, pay im-
port taxes etc, etc and then pay through our ears
Stupid? All answer was that we have not the buy-
ing number (at the time) to aff ord local woollen
weavers and the rest of the line to make it fi nan-
cially viable. Now why can’t we put up the weav-
ers, clothing factories and create employment and
manufacture a proudly South African garment or
other product and export the majority? I got bland
Matthew 1: 21-23
21 “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS:
for he shall save his people from their sins.” 22 “Now all this was done,
that it might be fulfi lled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet,
saying,”23 “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son,
and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God
with us.”
The calamity of today is that people have become lovers of
themselves. They lend their ears out to voices which will do
everything inhumanly possible to discredit the Deity of God!
We listen or view the bad news and we formulate vengeance,
fear, hate and all kinds of thoughts in our inside man. These, as
has been researched over and over are most often the cause of
ill health and even cancer. God never intended man to be ill –
instead He created man from the dust of the Earth and called
him Man! He wandered with him and taught him to eat fruit
from the trees and nuts and food from the earth. He was the fi rst
gardener and had to ‘reign over the animals’! What did we do to
ourselves? We eat the animals, scoff at those who live a bit veg-
etarian and created a lawless society! But; against all odds, Jesus
was born through no intercourse by a carnal man and brought
forth by a virgin. This pure Jesus was born to reign over all the
earth and make all the beautiful creations we see around us,
including ourselves, to be His Kingdom – by OUR WILL! There-
fore we are learnt by the word of God that “Whosoever shall lay
down his life before Me, shall be fi t for the Kingdom of God!” This
is what the Christmas Season is all about – to consecrate your
life to the One whose birth we refl ect on this time of the year
and become one with the King of Kings! Many thousands of
earthly kings lived and died and had followers – who also died.
But Jesus was born to be slain on a cross for our sins that we
may accept Him and rise at His return to be with Him FOREVER!
God bless every family in agriculture this Season! Amen.
Suzanne Oosthuizen (SO)
Cell: 082 832 1604
[email protected] FINANCE / SUBSCRIPTIONS:
Marion Oosthuizen
Cell: 071 6399300
[email protected]
P O Box 759
Montana Park
Johan Swiegers
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 012 – 543 0880
Fax: 086 518 3430
Suzanne Oosthuizen - 082 832 1604
looks. Today, we realize as a country we should
have put our resources; manpower, education and
training and fi nance into processing plants of note.
We could have made South Africa a super power
processing and export country to Africa and the
rest of the world. But it is not too late – more than
enough agro-processing research has been done.
It remains an excellent thought for the fresh pro-
ducer to consider having an own food-processing
and marketing division right on his farm. I know a
young farmer who almost lost his fruit farm in the
Western Cape and decided to process his fruit in
jams and preserves which he fortnightly sold to
Gauteng boutique hotels and guesthouses – he
saved his farm and sent his sons to University!
‘Think and grow rich’ the wise man said! Ed.
Cover pic: Sanele Mbhele – ARC Farmer of the
year Award Winner (See article on page 4)
Receive this valuab le publication that has
been serving
semi-commercial, and now also
commercial farmers in this A4 format.
with the times!
If you have a computer with internet or
have access to a friend’s
We take the opportunity of wishing all our readers
correspondents, advertisers, creative and printing individuals,
all South African farmers a Joyous Christmas Season and a
most Prosperous 2018 with dams full of rain, well-fed cattle,
kilometres of grains and fresh produce by tonnes! God bless all
our agricultural families!
Yolandé van Zyl - 082 775 1002
Nufarmer Africa | November/December 2017