Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - March 2014 | Page 56

The Trouble with Uganda. Loss of Gay Rights, Just a Beginning? - p2 prison, the bill was signed into law by the President of Uganda on 24 February 2014. The Uganda law criminalizes same-sex rela ons in Uganda with provisions for Ugandans who engage in same-sex rela ons outside of Uganda, asser ng that they may be extradited for punishment back to Uganda. It also and includes penal es for individuals, companies, media organiza ons, or nongovernmental organiza ons that know of gay people or support LGBT rights. American evangelists ac ve in Africa are being cri cized for being responsible for inspiring the legisla on by inci ng hatred with excessive speech by comparing homosexuality to pedophilia and influencing public policy with dona ons from American religious organiza ons. Before the proposed legisla on, many had felt a gradual easing of enforcement of laws designed to punish people for h o m o s e x u a l b e h a v i o r. A m n e s t y Interna onal, however, reports that arrests of people suspected of having homosexual rela ons are arbitrary and detainees are subjected to torture and abuse by authori es. Since the Bill became law, increasing numbers of gay men and women in the capital Kampala have found themselves being thrown out of their homes and taunted and threatened by their neighbors. 56- Nu Vibez Magazine - February 2014 The interna onal community has reacted against Uganda. Many Western leaders, who give Uganda some $1 billion in foreign aid annually, warned President Yoweri Museveni that it would greatly complicate diploma c rela ons. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry likened the new an -gay legisla on in Uganda to an -Semi c laws in Nazi Germany or apartheid South Africa. Even the United Na ons High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, urged Uganda to shelve the bill and decriminalize homosexuality. Amnesty Interna onal a n d H u m a n R i g h t s Wa t c h h a v e condemned the bill, calling it a product of a campaign by evangelical churches and an -gay groups that has led to death threats and physical assaults against Ugandans suspected of being gay. To broaden awareness, the Brokeback LGBT Center and the Terra Lascivus Sim in Second Life have set up an exhibi on on this topic that you can visit ll the end of March. The exhibit features photographs by award winning Slovene photo journalist Tadej Žnidarčič. Brokeback is an independent, non-profit organiza on in Second Life that strives to coordinate its ac ons with all other nonprofit GBLT communi es in a spirit of friendship and efficiency. One of Brokeback's missions is to organize events aimed at promo ng LGBT rights