Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - March 2014 | Page 52

Butterfly the By Ethan Ellsmere effect The term Bu erfly Effect is more than the tle of an older Ashton Kutcher movie. However that movie (like this ar cle) is about the meaning behind the terminology and why that knowledge is so important to all of us. The term bu erfly effect comes from what is called Chaos Theory. Chaos Theory is a field of study in mathema cs, with applica ons in several disciplines including meteorology, physics, engineering, economics, biology, and philosophy. The name bu erfly effect was coined by a mathema cian named Edward Lorenz and describes the sensi ve dependency on ini al condi ons in which a small change at one place in a determinis c nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. 52- Nu Vibez Magazine - February 2014 To illustrate the meaning of the bu erfly effect, Lorenz used the example of a hurricane being the end result of a chain reac on caused several weeks earlier by a bu erfly simply flu ering its wings. This example to describe the effect, helps m e r e m o r t a l s ( l i ke y o u r s t r u l y ) understand what Lorenz is saying about the power of cause and effect. And as we made reference to earlier, the Ashton Kutcher film by the same tle, also a emps to help us understand this principle of Chaos theory in simplis c laymen's terms. What seems to be the most important informa on conveyed through understand the bu erfly effect is that everything seems to be connected in some way or another. The knowledge that our ac ons have ripple effects we