Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - March 2014 | Page 45

Second Life’s New CEO Ebbe Altberg. A Man [Robot] Of His Word? - p3 · Involving Users, new & old in improving the New User Experience/Reten on · The S gma A ached to Second Life · A rac ng Business and Educa onal Users · A "lightweight" viewer/client · Linden Lab's Other Products · Oculus Ri and Other Technologies · SL and the Younger Audience · The Poten al of "Blank Canvas" Crea ve Spaces for Younger People "SO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE LATELY?" Oh how impa ent we have all become. It's been maybe two weeks since this mee ng and already we're looking for results. WELL ... is there a surprise for us all ... Ebbe appears to be a man of his word! In this very short me, he's opened JIRA back up (, much to the praise and gra tude of many relieved residents. For our readers who may have joined a er the JIRA was closed, it is a cket-based bug-tracking system online, through which we have a direct line to LL to report issues and bugs and in some instances, thoughts and ideas. The JIRA is a place where our voices can be heard, where we can help guide the technical side of our SL experience and help the company to more swi ly find, troubleshoot and fix those pesky insects that can seriously ruin our SL days. Photo Courtesy of Inara Pey, Clockwise from le : Pete Linden & Ebbe Linden – Original Ar cle with Mee ng Audio & Transcript: h p:// Nu Vibez Magazine - February 2014 - 45