Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - March 2014 | Page 27

From Role-Play to Best-Seller? - p4 DAEDEN: Whatever inspired you to write a book in the first place Verona, and where did your inspira on for this story come from? VERONA: Well actually this concept comes from my D&D back ground. It was part of the world that I DM'd for 20 years. When I was in UW I had an extraordinary teacher named Charles Johnson. He won the na onal books award for his novel "Middle Passage," which was about slaving ships. This teacher loved science fic on and fantasy. He was also a cartoonist and could tell you the difference between silver surfers. I created the character of Jason and put him in a short story. I had already wanted to write a novel about this huge mys cal library, and I am a fan of mysteries, so I took this se ng from my D&D background, the short story from UW, and created a mystery. This is a first book of a series of books. The next one that will come out is called "The Bankers of Zurix." As the inves ga on unfolds, he learns that the murders are part of a deeper plan. Together they uncover a truth that influences the nature of the war itself. The trio discovers that the killer has mo ves more sinister than they can imagine. DAEDEN: Will our readers find a love story in these mystery filled pages? VERONA: Not in the first one, but in the second one we will see a rela onship develop between Jason and a female character. And no, it is not Mortyiene. With Mortyiene I wanted to explore the darker, more evil side of being a woman. She is a complex character and his crime figh ng partner, not a roman c one – though Jason does have feelings for her. DAEDEN: That is so amazing, that the con nua on of the story is already planned. So many people write one book without thinking ahead to follow up novels … kudos on that one! Ok, so the hot ques on of the hour ... where can we get this fabulously mysterious story you have created for your fans? VERONA: Right now you can get it on You can also get it at Oregon Books and Games in Grants Pass Oregon. I am hoping to get it in an independent book store in Medford, and maybe Powels in Portland. But right now Amazon is the best source for it. DAEDEN: I no ce that right now it's available in paperback format only. Are there plans to offer it in a reader format, such as Kindle, etc? Nu Vibez Magazine - January 2014 - 27