Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - March 2014 | Page 6
Every year around this me the
big thing is "MARCH
MADNESS". Now one source
offers the following defini on of
March Madness:
Events surrounding the
single-elimina on
Division I college
basketball tournaments
performed each spring in
the United States. The
main tournaments
involved are the NCAA
Men's Division I
Basketball Championship
and the NCAA Women's
Division I Basketball
Championship. The
nickname "March
Madness" for these
developed during the
20th century and was the
origin of the video and
television applica ons of
the nickname.
Well one thing about Americans
is that our love of sports tends to
spill over into other aspects of
our lives. Interes ngly enough
the influence of sports related
terminology, concepts, events
and more can be seen in areas
completely unrelated to sports.
For example March Madness,
while being a sports term, has
been used to describe the
excitement people feel when car
shopping or looking for deals in
department stores as Spring
approaches. Of all the pop
culture cross-overs, nothing
quite compares with how sports
can transcend its star ng point
and mean more than originally
Now in keeping with the idea
behind March Madness
transcending just sports, it
describes the way I am feeling
about this month's issue of Nu
Vibez. While our new editor and
team have done an amazing job
of taking the magazine forward
with both our January and
February issues, it's this March
issue that has me amped. It
seems we have raised the bar yet
again this month when it comes
defining a cross world magazine
publica on. Also with so much
going on with Nu Vibez, our
parent company and our joint
venture partners, I can't help but
think that calling my excitement