Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - March 2014 | Page 11
No ma er what we do in our day to day
lives, the world con nues to revolve.
No ma er how bad of a day we might be
having, it could always be worse and
that is never so evident as when
something bad happens to another
person, especially when they are a
loved one.
This month see's a few things I'll
men on such as the loss of a talented
actor Philip Seymour Hoffman; and the
mother of Second Life's own Mankind
Tracer requiring some pre y serious
surgery resul ng in a stay in the ICU.
Our well wishes go out to him and his
And then there's something much
closer to home, well, for me anyway,
this past Friday, my 17 yr old son, had a
car accident ... more of a fender-bender,
he's fine, BUT ... it got me thinking
about the difficult day I'd had. When I
got him home safe that evening,
everything about my disposi on on my
day changed! I realized, I actually had a
wonderful day! My son was absolutely
fine, not a scratch on him, and that is
always the best day ever!
These are all examples from First Life,
but as we all know, our Second Lives can
be just as difficult and it is important to
always take into considera on, that
things could always be worse and might
be for someone else. Being thankful
and posi ve about the events of your
life and what you do have, will guide
posi ve energies your way.
With that said, I know in reacent
months ... years perhaps, many of us
have grown quite disheartened in
Second Life and Linden Labs, lashing out
in blogs, forums and SL groups but the
winds are changing my friends. I
declare 2014 the year of "The Ebbe!"
Already things are looking up with his
personal focus on the needs of SL
residents, the re-opening of JIRA, and
his short and long-term goals that all
focus on rebuilding the community and
making it stronger than ever.
While there are s ll