Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - June 2015 | Page 81

pletely successful and I did it all on my own”, they’re not being honest, or humble enough to acknowledge the help they’ve gotten along the way. The key to my “success” is most definitely the people I surround myself with.” - M.C. After this whole pleasant conversation, I decided to dare Madrid with four “Turbo Questions”, exclusively for NuVibez Magazine. And voilà! You have them all right here: CW: If you were to have lunch with any person, past or present, who would it be and why? MS: What a question! In my profile I have a quote by Mark Twain, it reads “But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?”. I would love to sit with Mark Twain and pick his brain a bit. But I would also love to have lunch with Jane Goodall and tell her how much I respected her love of primates. But I can’t leave out Joan Of Arc. And this is going to sound horrible, but I just gotta know... what did she hear? CW: From where or who did you learn the most in your life? MS: That’s easy. My mother. Not that my father didn’t contribute, because he did. But it was my mothers fortitude, her raw intellect and her acer- bic humor and wit that I learned the most from. But also, life. Life has the most extraordinary way of teaching us lessons. The hardest are the most valuable, wherein we learn the most. So thanks Mom and thank you life. :) CW: What is one thing that you have taught others? MS: How to treat me. I’m one of those people that will not tolerate disrespect. I will respect you and you will respect me. That is a non-negotiable ordinance of my life. That doesn’t mean you have to like me, or me you, it means I won’t tolerate bad b V