Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - June 2015 | Page 8
Editor’s Note
Filipa Thespian, Editor-In-Chief
Owner & Founder of Roleplay Guide Magazine
I recently wrote a post on the Made to Model Facebook page about something that
really struck me with a vengeance. I just tried to write something new on the subject, but my original was much better said so … I’ll say it again for you dear readers.
In getting ready for our new reality TV show,
Made to Model, wanting to make it something spectacular for all those who participate, I looked to one of my favorite television shows, you all know the one, thank you
miss Tyra Banks for your bold brilliant brain
on this front with America’s Next Top Model
(by the way, love the haircut, very powerful)!
Recently something transpired in relation
to the show though, that’s really had me
thinking. I did a marathon watch of season
21 to get caught up, my time tends to run
rather limited. It was only after I watched the
whole season, that I caught the news from
February of something horrific. But I’ll come
back to that...
I had my favorites, and my not so favorites, but so did the cast. On the show, one
girl stood out as the one I felt for because
of her bad choices. She began in her plea
video with her wish for the world of spreading more love than hate, only to come on
the show bad mouthing, back talking, hate
talking, putting people down and focusing
on anything but the actual reason she was
there. God, Mirjana could have been a serious contender, maybe even taken the crown
had she focused on the reason she was
there! But this isn’t the horrific thing.
I actually liked her. I saw a confused gorgeous girl who was a product of her surroundings, who didn’t know how (yet) to
make the right choices for herself. I was excited for her about the opportunities that
would inevitably come her way because she
made it pretty far and had some skills and
definitely the beauty.
Here’s where the horrific part comes in ... After
I finished the season (congratulations Keith,
first guy to win, way to go!