Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - June 2015 | Page 12
Journalist: Chillicalifornia
When I think fashion, I don’t limit my mind to just pieces of clothing or accessories. For me, fashion is an attitude, an ability to take even the simplest towel and make it look like a runway piece. Latest trends in real
life have shown us that with a little courage to push oneself out of the
comfort zone, anyone can be fashionable.
I remember when I watched
the movie “Ratatouile” - a film
that is mostly for children, but
has a very valuable meaning if
you look in depth - and I realized that anyone can do anything. All that is required is passion and ambition.
Allow me to introduce myself,
dear readers, as I am a new
addition to this magazine. I
am Chillicalifornia. I won’t lose
time and words giving you my
Curriculum Vitae, as it’s both
uninteresting and public. What
I will explain is who I am as a
person. I am motivated to give
this magazine the flair that has
existed and will continue existing. I am here as the new Fashion Editor and I believe that my
pledge - to put real fashion into
virtual pages - needs to be told
and respected. So I promise to
make reality out of all my plans,
and I promise to inspire every
single reader of this magazine
in the process.
last years. And somehow some
of the models did it. I will detail
more about successful modeling in the upcoming pages of
the magazine, but right now I
When I was first asked to would like to mention somewrite my note, I remained a thing else that caught my atbit shocked, as modern times tention and did disturb me.
give us the wrong impression
that everything there is to talk Lately, every model has a word
about has been talked about of definition put before the
already. However, I chose not model title. Nowadays, we are
to believe rumors of a modern white models, black models,
day and go after my own code Asian models, gay or straight
of values and morals. In this models... How dare we. I can’t
issue, I shall talk about simple help but wonder what is the
result of so many years of work
and blood given by so many
When I say simple I only mean courageous people in order to
a model like me, like you, like open the eyes of people and
everyone else. Models who are make everyone realize we are
all about fashion. There have equal. What stresses me is that
been so many cases of anorex- we can’t be proud of just being
ia, so many blames addressed models anymore.
to the Fashion industry in the