Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - January 2014 | Page 50

Building Bridges & M o v i n g Mountains The United Content Creators of SL Ar cle by Filipa Thespian Photos by Natacha Haroldsen & Filipa Thespian ToS is a hot topic we hear all over the forums and on the blogs these days. In August of 2013, Second Life Creator, Linden Labs, set the virtual world on its ear when they announced the new updates to their Terms of Service, seeming to claim ownership of everything and the right to make it available on other pla orms without the creator's consent or knowledge. But what does this mean really -- to the creators and to shoppers? Kylie Sabra, creator of the United Content Creators of SL, an organiza on of nearly 600 members that started in 2013, joins us to help answer our ques ons, alleviate our fears and provide a hopeful direc on for the future for content creators and shoppers alike. NVM: Thank you so much for joining us Kylie. KYLIE: I'm delighted to be here. Kylie Sabra, Founder UCCSL NVM: How did the Content Creator community react when the new ToS came to light? KYLIE: There were those few that actually read the ToS who caught on first. Over the next 30 days the news spread grid-wide, resul ng nothing short of fury. NVM: Tell us Kylie, how the United Content Creators of SL (UCCSL) came to be? NVM: Well, what is the big deal with the ToS debate? Why are content creator's so upside down over it? KYLIE: The group started in response to the outcry over the August, 2013 Terms of Service. KYLIE: In Sec on 2.3 of the ToS, Linden Labs lays claim to content we create; to use in any way, 50- Nu Vibez Magazine - January 2014