Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - January 2014 | Page 45

Stroker Strikes Back - p6 enterprise, and then you relegate yourself to part of the compe on. Even though I am compe ve by nature and want to be the best that I can be offering compelling products, I have never been one to isolate myself thereby falling into that trap of “I have got to be the biggest and the best.” I never considered myself the biggest and the best, merely a player in the game. N V M: Have you no ced a change in the S L climate/economy since your return? And if so, do you envision it affec ng your success this me around? STROKER: It's more isolated now. More people look at it as "me against Second Life" (as in LL or the grid). With all the notoriety of Copybot and TOS, there's a certain amount of paranoia out there. I've seen that paranoia manifest in ways that are detrimental. People are locking down content to the extreme, taking their crea ons off to SQL databases that may or may not be the most effec ve way to present their products. Some have had some success, others have not. But it's the pendulum thing, swinging both ways. In the middle of the Copybot errup on, we had a Copybot revolt where everyone closed their shops in response to LL's ineffec ve approach. As a result, they've really go en be er now, which is one of the reasons I made the decision to put the past behind me and make a phoenix reprisal as it were. LL now sees it more as a business rather than some conceptual idea of turning the internet into a metaverse approach. NVM: That's interes ng that you say that, as there is an awful lot of opinion about how they're killing off the community even more these days because of what they just did with the TOS. What do you think of the new TOS, how do you think it’s going to affect you personally and content crea on as a whole. STROKER: Well, my opinion is just my opinion. I've not done a lot of research, but from the few blog posts that I have read, it seemed to me to be a basic legalese CYA that you see all over the place. You see it in online so ware and in content crea on sites like TurboSquid. The way I look at it is this, and again, this is just my perspec ve, but, if LL wanted to take my content, there is nothing I can do about it! First of all, its residing on their servers and it's not any good to me anywhere but in SL. The scrip ng won't work for me anywhere else. Granted the anima ons are portable, but even the anima ons we use in SL are so rudimentary and short they're not really produc ve and useful in other pla orms. The rig that they use is very simplis c for streaming purposes and they've got a very unique creature there. So my way of looking at it, my content always was their content. Nu Vibez Magazine - January 2014 - 45