Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - January 2014 | Page 4

RIGHT NOW! Since coming to SL, I have developed a New Year's tradi on of remembering the two people most responsible for me being here on this grid. Both of these amazing friends are very dear to me and I can s ll hear them both saying, "you have to check out Second Life". They tried mul ple mes to convince me it was perfect for my innova ve goals in music, films, fashion and more. Finally in 2006 I decided to pop in and see what all the fuss was about. Well sadly one of my two special friends had lost her ba le with cancer by then and she never got to see me here. The second has since moved on to other pursuits and we never crossed paths here either. Thinking about what could have been had I not procras nated coming here makes me sad even to this day. However, the lesson I take from that missed opportunity has become my mantra of "Don't Put Off Till Tomorrow What You Can Do Today" and if you have regrets about missed opportuni es, that mantra may be yours too. 2014 is the year to just do it, but do what you ask? Do what you know you have always wanted to do and needed to do. Let 2014 be your "Field of Dreams." Remember if you at least start to do it now, that which you want as an outcome can finally come to you. For some, it's finally keeping that New Years' resolu on or star ng that new business venture even though there are no guarantees it will be a success. For others it could be forgiving someone and rebuilding a lost rela onship. Whatever that unfulfilled purpose may be; this is the me act. Speaking of ac ng on things right now, we knew that 2014 called for expansion of the work we started here at Nu Vibez Magazine some me ago. Contributors have come and gone and staffers have been promoted to new posi ons. These changes have freed me to prac ce what I have been preaching in the paragraphs above and will make th e b est year o u r ambi ous publica on as has ever seen. Let me share the two most important changes that promise to make 2014 the year Nu Vibez has been working toward since its incep on. First, Nani Xue is now the publisher of the Nu Vibez Magazine (NVM). If you know me, then you have probably met Nani. If a company can have a soul, she has been that for this company and more for quite some me now. Having her in the publisher's chair lets me know NVM will maintain the ideas and prac ces we have both come to hold dear. Next, Filipa Thespian is the new Editor-in-Chief. Filipa, or Pip as I call her, is a talent I have wanted on this project for quite some me. Her reless and excep onal work as the art director at BOSL Magazine (2009-2011), along with the crea on of her own Roleplay Guide Magazine, have yet to be surpassed in my opinion. With Pip in charge, all systems are go and expect nothing less than the best. Finally in this first issue of the New Year, we have thrown in everything including the kitchen sink. From how the current SL TOS (Terms Of Service Agreement) impacts us all, to hand job robots being created in Japan to enhance virtual interac on while using avatars. Oh and did I men on an exclusive interview with SL's pioneer in the avatar sex i n d u s t r y , M r. S t r o k e r Serpen ne himself? So, as I have said in issue a er issue, while some things change, some things stay the same...readers, strap yourselves in cause Kansas is going bye bye. Happy 2014, Scorpinosis Nigh ire Owner & Founder