Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - January 2014 | Page 34

IMOOGI TV Lands in SL - p2 and being a part of turning it into tomorrow's huge block-buster. We have even more interac ve solu ons on the back burner for later this year. We strongly believe that interac vity is the future of entertainment! NVM: Viewer programmed television sounds amazing but it also sounds challenging. What happens when the public wants a show or web series the cri cs and the industry considers being crap? iMoogi Enterprises CEO, Tracy Renee makers, machinimists, and more that could one day be the Peter Jacksons and Stephen Spielberg's of tomorrow. TR: Technically yes, though there are some big differences s ll, from what we're doing to what they do. We are not trying to compete in their space as much as create our own niche in order to best fulfill the needs of the market we know so well, a market that just may be what Ne lix or Hulu might consider a bit too low on the totem pole for them. But with our help, our creators will move up those rungs swi ly! NVM: However unlike either Ne lix or Hulu, IMOOGI TV has a very unique feature that really involves the viewers in a new way they have never been involved before. Please explain the interac ve new role the viewer's play in IMOOGI TV. TR: Fans, or viewers, know what they like, they know how to discern what is good from bad, and even if it's bad, they tend to s ll find things in a property that makes it worthy of going viral. We see it all the me on YouTube. They are highly intelligent beings with valuable insights and opinions and we want to capture that, invi ng them to be a part of taking what they like to watch 34 - Nu Vibez Magazine - January 2014 TR: Honestly, if the fan-base is large enough, for whatever reason, in the end the ability to earn revenue from a property will drive it's future success, to spite the "professional" cri c's and their opinions. How o en have you seen A-list movie reviews that shredded the work, yet the box office far exceeded the producer's greatest expecta ons? While the professional's opinions are very important and highly valued, in the end, it's the audience that decides what it is they want. NVM: Another unique aspect of IMOOGI TV, for those using it to get exposure to launch their careers, is your media partner program. Please tell us how that works. TR: There are so many talented people out there, they have ideas, they have proper es, they have the means to create, but they don't have the educa on, connec ons or wherewithal to turn this crea vity into a career. To become a Media Partner with, a creator's property has moved up from The Hatchery to prime. That's step one. Once there, the iMoogi team goes to work on bringing quality adver sing opportuni es, of many kinds (not just commercials or sta c ads), to the creator's channel. When this happens, that creator is earning a large por on of those adver sing dollars! Further, it is wri en into our business plan that a percentage of the overall iMoogi profits is reserved for reinves ng not only