Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - February 2014 | Page 46

50 Shades of Valen nes - p2 I look up once again to peer into that now hungry gaze. My eyes seem to speak clearly to him my every thought, my every need. His look speaks in return to me that he knows, and is pleased, that there is no where else he’d rather be … that he too feels his very life depends upon the touch of our lips and the warm invita on of my heart. His finger ps skim around the side of my throat; almost ckling they touch me so barely, hea ng a path to the very sensi ve skin at the back of my neck. Slowly he begins to massage, gently, tenderly, lightly. The hairs at the nape of my neck stand on end as the gooseflesh con nues to permeate through me spiraling out from each heated touch. My eyes darken quickly with passion, with desperate need, screaming to him, begging and s ll not a word has been u ered by either of us … but he knows. With fierce determina on, nay, possession, his fingers slide purposefully up into the hair at the base of my skull, fanning into it and then gripping possessively. He holds me, controls me and s ll I have not one thought to do anything but what he wants, to give him what he needs. A molten hot burn of desire flairs from within those precious eyes and without warning, those lips descend desperately down upon mine, claiming them for himself, claiming me … and I yield without thought, I melt into him giving all that he would take, all that his silent mastery demands … I am his! Happiness such as I’d never known before consumes me. I am whole for the first me in my life. I feel complete, I do not even know his name and yet I know him. A slight frown seeps into my face unbidden. Something’s not right. An unpleasant tugging sensa on begins to pull at me. I fight to hold on to him as the world within my view grows hazy. It feels almost like a violent a ack, but not of my body – of my mind, of the world around me. I am being yanked from him now and he recedes further and further from me into the darkness, one hand con nuing to reach up and out toward me as if he too is figh ng with everything he is to hold on. The flickering light fading, I see only those tender finger ps … and then … they too are consumed by the darkness. 46 - Nu Vibez Magazine - February 2014 The world around me begins to change. Blackness ebbs into gray growing lighter in terrifying increments as I am yanked from those powerful yet tender arms I crave so strongly. The first vocaliza on of thought this night slips forth as I cry out for him, begging not to be taken from him. I am crying as he fades completely from my sight, but not from my heart. The cold light of reality returns through my reluctantly opening eyes and I am suddenly, depressingly awake. I stare hopelessly at the ceiling, painful tears slipping slowly down my cheeks. My loss is so severe that I ache right down to my very soul. I am now fully awake but I know … I am s ll his … I know him be er than I know myself and yet, heart-breakingly … I don’t even know if he exists. SAVED BY LOVE by SaraMae Xaris The sun it rises on another day the so warm kiss, of loving rays reminds her of His strong embrace of His love, His heart, His handsome face. The mind doeth wander, to their last kiss demanding power she cannot dismiss. His hold on her remains fierce and true no ma er what these lovers do. To Him her thoughts scream out of love so pure, so full, a gi from above. On this special lovers day she sends to Him her heart to stay. Once more she pledges every part her mind, her body, soul and heart. Come back to loose yourself within the deepest love she has to give.