Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - February 2014 | Page 77

Raiders of the Lost Prim - p2 just bought by, that Avatar, but they take it and make their own product. Copies of the same ou it crop up in stores all over and the uniqueness, the art of it all, seems to be fading into yester-year. So where has the art gone? Is it now just a commercial market with crea vity and uniqueness gone forever? Nicky Ree, Son!a Luxury Fashion by Sonia28 Jie, GizzA Crea ons by Giz Seorn and UTOPIA by saby Clary are just a few whose quality and beauty give me pause and wonder and I s ll buy their prim-wear designs! Stunningly unique and crea ve with amazingly hand drawn textures, these creators took what we had to work with and raised the bar beyond what was thought possible to create realism out of nothing and stunning a re to adorn the top models in the SL universe. S ll to this day even though mesh is “all the rave,” the fashion and modeling i n d u st r i e s s l l re l y h e av i l y o n t h e s e magnificent ar sans, saving the mesh-wear mostly for everyday or knockin-around clothing. There are some creators compensa ng for the public's craving for mesh and their own crea vity and need for ar s c expression by using mesh templates as they did with sculpty pieces they'd buy. These templates, not full ou its but just pieces of, are used as “part” of a complete ou it, not the ou it as a whole. A mesh top is finished off with a clothing layer bo om and a beau ful free flowing flexi-prim skirt – perhaps some custom jeweled adornments – and voila, the ar st has taken something they didn't make (the mesh) that had inspired a crea ve thought in them, and turned it into something truly unique, ar s c and theirs all while con nuing to show off their amazing abili es and providing an even greater level of quality a re and accessories for us to use to adorn our lovely pixels. So … the next me you're out shopping, inworld or on Marketplace, take a good hard look at the art of the item you are considering – especially in clothing. Is this just another version of the mesh dress you saw at the last store? Or ... is it a free flowing, intricately drawn and well pieced together piece that shows the creator's obvious talent and imagina on, leaving you certain you are buying a truly custom-designed work of art – a true high fashion original seen on the best runway's in Second Life? Please, dear readers; don't forsake the prims for mesh. The models on the runways are not and they get paid to know how to shop and adorn themselves “to the 9's.” What is it they know, that the rest of us do not? The Prim's day has not passed and our ar sts have so much more to give. Always strive to be unique, to be a Sax Fi h Avenue customer, not another department store “off the hangar” shopper. This is Second Life, the place of dreams and limitless skies, why do here what you can do in the real world? Our creators make our experiences in this magnificent world possible, without them, we have a serious problem. So think ahead to the future … support the crea ve spirit, not just the economic machine. For all things there is a place, for us, there must be true crea ve spirit. It is Second Life's founding principle, let's get back to basics. Nu Vibez Magazine - February 2014 - 77