Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - December 2015 | Page 24
Journalist: Scorpinosis Nightfire
It’s not every day that I get to interview someone that I feel has worked
so hard at making sure that everyone is covered fairly and accurately
in virtual media.
Because we are in a
simulated world, some
people seem to care
less about getting the
facts right, and more
about sensationalistic
drama. After all “we are
Photo Provided by Lanai Jarrico
just toons” one person
once commented, how
With the above point of view being very
could anything we say
prevalent, knowing what’s happening
or do in a non-real en-
around us and to us becomes very import-
vironment matter or
ant even in a virtual world. It’s for this rea-
have consequences?
son (among others) that my sit down with
SL Enquirer founder and owner Lanai Jarri-
“One of the things that I’ve noticed is
people in Second Life aren’t good at
committing to things. If you want to be
a writer, shop around and apply with
a media source you share similar views
and interest with and stick with them. “
co is meaningful for me and takes me back
to when I needed fair and accurate reporting.