Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - August 2014 | Page 91

I SEE PIXEL PEOPLE - p4 world enabling rich avatar interac ons driven by sensor-equipped hardware, simulated and served by devices (phones, tablets and laptops/desktops) contributed by end-users.” today. They state on their web page “Imagine contribu ng your computer to a project like SETI, but instead having it simulate part of the virtual world, and earning virtual world currency in exchange for helping to power the grid.” Do you see where this is going? High Fidelity is building a coordina on system which will enable millions of people to contribute their devices and share them to simulate the virtual world. If they can successfully build this collec ve cloud, they think they can enable audience sizes for shared experiences that are orders of magnitude larger than what is possible So what has this all to do with Second Life? In my opinion it has everything to do with Second Life and the emergence of a new version thereof. Join us next month when we delve deeper into the future of these Virtual Worlds and get the inside scoop from the mind of the new CEO of Second Life himself, Ebbe Altberg. Nu Vibez Magazine - August, 2014 - 91