Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - August 2014 | Page 84

ON THE COUCH - p1 HotToTrot wonders about pixel sex. “I've recently joined Second Life and have discovered sex anima ons but can't figure out how to make them go faster. O en my sex partners ask me to go harder or faster and I'm not sure how they work. Can you help?” Welcome to the first of a new column for NuVibez that invites your queries about life. Whether you are asking about Second Life (SL) or Real Life (RL) or the many ways they cross over, or whether it is about yourself or someone else, your Couch Coach will dig into your issue and hopefully shed a li le light so you can get clo s er to u n d ersta n d in g t h is endlessly bewildering thing called human behaviour. Let's get started with a couple of issues drawn from the various SL forums that have perplexed SL residents in the past. They may be issues you have had on your mind. Of course names have been changed to protect iden es, so no point looking for these folks online. 84 - Nu Vibez Magazine - August, 2014 Well HTT, pixel sex is not all about pose balls and built in anima ons. As good as they might be, and some can be very good, they become hear ly boring if that is all that happens between two people. Never forget that despite the fact that both you and the other person are looking at an image of avatars moving in a virtual place, behind the computer screen on the other side is a living breathing person with feelings, not so different to yourself. And although men are visual creatures, even they like to know they are having an impact on the person they are having sex with. If sex was all about just banging away, then there would probably be far fewer unsa sfied RL people. You will have to add to the pixel experience with either wri ng or voice, and hopefully so will your partner. It needs to be a two way exchange. Wri ng about what you are doing sexually or sensually is referred to as “emo ng” within SL and it helps to be able to type fairly quickly and accurately, and have a reasonably good imagina on with a vocabulary that is broad enough to avoid too much repe on. Much the same goes for voice. If you only know a couple of ways to describe what you are doing to the other person, if it is limited to “then I s ck my dick in you and thrust in and out, then I thrust in and out harder and faster, then I go