Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - August 2014 | Page 13

and those of the people around us? As you have likely heard me say before, all we truly control in this life is ourselves, and through how we react to the people and situa ons around us, we can inspire others to want to follow our lead. That is the truth about control ... it is really only self-control. So take that to heart dear readers, when confounded with situa ons or people who may be causing you grief or upset. Think, “what can I do (or not do) to affect how this person behaves ... what can I say ... what kindness can I do in response to perhaps elicit a posi ve reac on to change the course of these events?” It is within our power ladies and gentlemen, to end bullying and cruelty and it all starts with ourselves and what we do with the life we are given. All my best, Filipa Thespian, Editor-In-Chief