NU Formland - Read all about the Nordic design community no. 2 August 2017 | Page 61

FACTS OM ARRANGEMENTET På den røde løber kan du møde Karen Simonsen, Michelè Bellaiche, Kristian von Hornsleth, Etly Klarborg og mange andre kendte. Galla-aftenen inkluderer mad, vinmenu og underholdning. Auktionsbeløbet fra aftenens salg af Kunst Lykketrolde går ubeskåret til Kræftens Bekæmpelse. Efter gældende skatte­ regler er donationer fuldt fradrags­ berettiget. BYSOMMER G5646 F OR MLAND Summary Hand-picked artists, famous people and designers have each made their very own version of the Lykkentrolden in large versions up to 140 centimetres and produced in glass fibre. At the Lykkentrolden Fundraiser event in August, Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner will be con- ducting the auction of the large-sized Lykkentrolden, and the auction money goes to the Danish Cancer Society. Lykkentrolden Fundraiser is a non-profit event, which is developed in support of Danish Cancer Society’s efforts. BOLIGBRANCHEN. | ISSUE NO 02 AUGUST 2017 | 61 S TA N D J 7110