NU buyer's magazine, Scandinavian edition jan 21 NU no 2 January/February 2021 | Page 111

være praktisk , derfor har vi for eksempel også videreudviklet den ikoniske MINI A TUREanorak . Den fås ud over som den klassiske anorak , der skal over hovedet , også i en model med lynlås i siden til børn , der ikke bryder sig om at få trukket tøj over hovedet . Designet ændrer ikke radikalt på ” anorak ”- udtrykket , men gør blot overtøjet mere praktisk . Fleece-for
MINI A TURE i jakker er en anden nyhed , som tilfører ekstra varme og blødhed , fortsætter MINI A TURE ’ s CCO . Hun tilføjer , at MINI A
TURE som overtøjsspecialister løbende tilpasser sig nye teknologiske muligheder . launched a new , focused strategy where the - Der opstår kontinuerligt nye muligheder for two annual collections will concentrate on at producere bedre . Vi følger forskningen nøje outerwear and layers ; the items of clothing og implementerer løbende ny teknologi , som that children wear under their outerwear and resulterer i mindre miljøbelastning , siger Sofia which can be taken off or put on to regulate Issakainen . temperature . At the same time , the company ’ s sustainability
BØRN KAN LEGE TRYGT focus is being further developed . Tryghed er et andet element , som MINI ATURE Overall , MINI A TURE is driven by the hearts of altid har med i designudviklingen . its founders with values such as decency and - Alle sikkerhedsregler er i fokus , og vi ønsker , respectability . Profits are not the only focus , at vores tøj giver ekstra tryghed til børn og deres voksne . Vi benytter for eksempel en meter- its suppliers about wages and working condi-
and MINI A TURE has clear requirements for
vare med reflekterende finish , som gør , at barnets flyverdragt eller frakke lyser op , når en bils banned .
tions , and harmful chemicals are completely
lygter rammer tekstilet . Og tøjet bevarer sine Starting with the collection for Spring 2021 , all øvrige funktioner som åndbarhed og vandtæthed , siger Kathja Bundgaard Lionett . and that trend is continuing with Autumn 2021 .
styles are sustainable in one way or another ,
Pasform og komfort går hånd i hånd , og det betyder meget , at børnene kan bevæge sig i MINI GOTS is an international organic certification
- In 2019 , MINI A TURE was GOTS certified .
A TURE ’ s tøj , så de kan få lov at lege , løbe og for clothes and textiles that guarantees sustainability across the entire life cycle of the tumle , uden at tøjet forhindrer nogen af delene . - De bevægelser , der sker i samfundet , hvor vi product . We try not to increase consumer prices , even though sustainable and organic ma- bliver mere bevidste om at passe bedre på naturen , på dyr og på hinanden , harmonerer med terials are more expensive for us . It should not vores grundværdier . Hos MINI A TURE har vi cost more for consumers to choose sustainability , says CCO Sofia Issakainen . altid villet gøre en forskel , og vi arbejder for at give dette mind-set videre til vores børn . Nu MINI A TURE continuously adapts to new technological opportunities . kan virksomheder få papir på kultur og værdier , og vi er derfor i gang med at søge en B Corporation-certificering , slutter Sofia Issakainen . invented all the time . We follow the research
- New technologies for better production are
closely and continuously implement new technology in order to decrease our environmen-
SUMMARY In 2002 , Signe Tholstrup established MINI A tal impact . We also aim to develop products TURE with her husband Jan and two friends . that last and that can be handed down from The children ’ s clothing brand is known for its child to child . We can see in the second-hand designs , pretty colours , and high quality - the market that MINI A TURE is a popular brand . MINI A TURE logo and its “ A ” with a star quickly It ’ s a common search term , and we have good became sought after among children , parents , consumer awareness . Mothers and fathers and grandparents . know that MINI A TURE is a guarantee for high Today , nearly 20 years later , the company has quality in a child-friendly design , says Kathja
MINI A TURE LAUNCHES BTB PLATFORM Senest har MINI A TURE lanceret en BtB-salgs- og inspirationsplatform , hvor forhandlere kan supplere indkøbet og hente information . Recently , MINI A TURE launched a BtB sales and inspiration platform where retailers can supplement purchases and gather information .
Bundgaard Lionett , PR and marketing coordinator and print designer . MINI A TURE is not only well-liked among consumers – it is also gaining accolades from the industry , most recently being nominated for the Eco Ethic Award together with nine other international brands . Behind the nomination is Pitti Connect in collaboration with Kid ’ s Wear Magazine . MINI A TURE has also recently won three Junior Design Awards , and the brand won second place in MAMA Awards for best brand . Some of MINI A TURE ’ s iconic designs were created around 2002 and have since only been updated in order to bring them in line with current demands for modern , sustainable production . MINI A TURE offers a range of advantages if customers send back used outerwear after they ’ re done using it . - We donate the clothes we receive to the orphanage Sunway Children ’ s Home which we ’ ve had a close partnership with since 2004 , says Sofia Issakainen . Security is another element that MINI A TURE always focuses on in its design process . - All safety rules are observed , and we want our clothes to provide a sense of security for children and their adults . As an example , we use a material with a reflective finish that causes the outerwear to light up when the headlights of a car hit it . The clothes keep their other functions such as breathability and waterproofness , says Kathja Bundgaard Lionett . - At MINI A TURE we ’ ve always wanted to make a difference , and we want to pass that mindset on to our children . Now , companies can be certified for culture and values , so we ’ re currently seeking a B Corporation certification , ends Sofia Issakainen .
9 · MODEBRANCHEN . · ISSUE NO 02 · 2021