NU buyer's magazine, Scandinavian edition jan 21 NU no 2 January/February 2021 | Page 107

kedet , og vi håber naturligvis , at det vil gå på
samme måde med vores FSC-viskose styles til
damer og børn , udtaler Ulla Dam , Group CSR &
Purchase Manager .
FSC-certificeringen er Claire Groups tredje
certificering på bare 10 år og endnu en vigtig
milepæl i CSR-strategien , hvor selskabet arbejder
med at fremstille tøj på en bæredygtig
måde . Selskabet begyndte med at få godt styr
på arbejdsforhold hos leverandørerne , og virksomheden
stiller efterhånden høje krav til de
materialer og kemikalier , der må bruges i deres
tøj . Hvis man spørger , om det mon kan svare
sig at bruge kræfter på at opnå og vedligeholde
hele tre certificeringer , falder svaret prompte :
- Det er nødvendigt at kunne tage sin egen medicin
- ellers er det svært at stille krav til vores
leverandører , udtaler Ulla Dam .
De første FSC-certificerede styles fra Claire
Group vil efter planen være at finde i butikkerne
som en del af Spring 2021-kollektionen .
The FSC certification is highly relevant to the
fashion industry since wood is used in the manufacturing
of viscose fabrics .
- The FSC certification guarantees that the
forest is being managed sustainably - for instance
, there are strict requirements for replanting
new trees . Another requirement is proper
working conditions for people involved in the
production , says chief designer Berit Erfurt
Hust .
For the time being , only a small part of the collections from Claire Group is produced in wood-based viscose , but the company is optimistic for the future . - We believe that consumers become more and more aware of the materials used in the clothing industry . At least that ' s how it went with our organic clothing for children from Hust & Claire . Our GOTS styles have really taken hold of the market , and we hope it will go the same way with the FSC viscose styles included in the Claire Women and the Hust & Claire collections , says Ulla Dam , Group CSR & Purchase Manager . The FSC certification is Claire Group ' s third certification in just 10 years and another important milestone in the CSR and sustainability strategy . The first FSC-certified styles from Claire Group are scheduled to be available in stores as part of the Spring 2021 collection




107 · MODEBRANCHEN . · ISSUE NO 02 · 2021