NU buyer's magazine no 02 2022 | Page 27

Steen Bjerregaard , Sales Director , Godske Group . Godske Group is behind brands such as Frandsen , Habella , Gomaye , SUNDAY , NOEN et cetera :
” Denne sæson , hvor coronaens skygge omsider har forladt os , glæder vi os ekstra meget til igen at møde indkøberne i CIFF Showrooms i Bella Center , hvor vi viser alle nyhederne til den kommende sæson . Jeg opfordrer detailhandlerne fra Danmark og de nære eksportmarkeder til alle at bakke op om modeugen i København , så vi i fællesskab kan gøre en indsats for at fastholde den danske hovedstad som nordisk modemekka .”
“ This season , having left the shadow of corona , we are looking very much forward to meeting the buyers in CIFF Showrooms in Bella Center again . We hope to see retailers from Denmark and the nearby export markets . We have to support Copenhagen Fashion Week and make a joint effort to maintain the Danish capital as a Nordic fashion mecca ”
PWT Group exhibits in showroom B0-110 / Lindbergh
Thomas Gyldenvang , Creative Director , PWT Group . PWT Group is a Nordic brand house for LINDBERGH , JUNK de LUXE , BISON et cetera :
” Vi har et permanent showroom på 600 kvm i Bella Center . Vi har valgt den placering , fordi det opfylder vores behov i forhold til , at vi kan vise vores brands i gode og professionelle omgivelser , og hvor der samtidig er rigeligt med plads at boltre sig på og udfolde vore brand-universer . Vi har mange udenlandske kunder , som fysisk kommer og disponerer hos os , og her har Bella Center en strategisk god beliggenhed med tilstødende hotel-faciliteter . Det er mit indtryk , at CIFF har et godt renommé - uden for landets grænser . Men det er klart , at tiden under og efter corona har givet udfordringer - også for CIFF , i forhold til antal besøgende med videre . Men vi har været en fast partner i mange år , og det samarbejde ser vi ingen grund til at ændre på . Kigger vi på , hvad der sker i verden pt , vil det være forkert at sige , at tingene har normaliseret sig . Men generelt mærker vi dog en øget branche optimisme og derfor forventer vi også , at den københavnske modeuge fortsat vil være en vigtig spiller , set fra et internationalt perspektiv .”
ETERNA exhibits in showroom B1-104 / 105
Also for ETERNA , CIFF Showrooms plays an important role as an international sales platform for both the male and female collections . In the new showroom B1-104 / 105 in Bella Center , ETERNA will not only be serving the Danish customers , but also all other Scandinavian and Northern European markets from now on .
“ We have a permanent showroom on 600 square metre in Bella Center . We have chosen this location because it meets our needs - we can show our brands in good and professional surroundings , and at the same time there is plenty of space to unfold the universes of our brands . We have many foreign customers who physically come and do their disposals here , and Bella Center has a strategically good location with adjacent hotel facilities . It is my impression that CIFF has a good reputation - outside the country ’ s borders . But it is clear that the time during and after the corona has presented challenges - also for CIFF , in relation to the number of visitors and so on . We have been a permanent showroom partner for many years , and we see no reason to change this collaboration . If we look at what is happening in the world at the moment , it would be wrong to say that things have normalized . However , in general we feel an increased industry optimism and therefore we also expect Copenhagen Fashion Week to continue being an important player , seen from an international perspective .”
27 · MODEBRANCHEN . · ISSUE NO . 02 2022