NU buyer's magazine no 02 2022 | Page 129



Med upcycling behandler eller forarbejder man et produkt , så det skaber større værdi end det oprindeligt havde . For eksempel kan rester fra tøjproduktion bearbejdes til nye produkter .
hederne begynder sidst på eftermiddagen , hvor
der serveres mad og drikke . Tilmelding er nødvendig
på grund af et max antal deltagere . - Vi glæder os til at skrue op for festlighederne , nu hvor corona er ovre , og vi forventer masser af besøgende til Copenhagen Fashion Week fra både Danmark og udlandet . Anders Blichfeldt-koncerten er vores lille bidrag til forhåbentligt at genfinde tidligere tiders gode og glade stemning i København under modeugen , slutter Trine Nørgaard .
SUMMARY Among the new items from ZOEY are upcycled products .
- Socially disadvantaged citizens in a sewing workshop are upcycling cowboy jackets from stock into cool vests . With upcycling , the clothes get new life and a positive story attached . We have also established a partnership with one of our suppliers in India to upcycle rests of EcoVero fabrics ( organic viscose ) into small bags and toiletry bags in ZOEY design . A third project is the upcycling of leftover fabrics for tunics , dresses and tops in limited editions from our express brand Moment by Zoey , says founder and CEO Trine Nørgaard . Emilie Vinther adds : - The initiatives are exciting on several levels –
for instance , buyers will recognize patterns and prints from previous ZOEY collections in , for example , a toiletry bag , which is very cool . Upcycling is definitely something we will continue to work with in future projects , she says . During Copenhagen Fashion Week , ZOEY will be exhibiting at the Royal Golf Club opposite Bella Center , and on Wednesday 10th of August at 7 PM , musician Anders Blichfeldt will entertain the approximately 100 customers and partners that ZOEY invites to the party . The festivities begin in the late afternoon , with food and drink served . Registration is required due to a max number of participants .
129 · MODEBRANCHEN . · ISSUE NO . 02 2022