NU buyer's magazine July 2021 NU no 03 July/August 2021 | Page 39

get pris på vores tyske samarbejdspartnere , pointerer Kasper Larsen .
INGEN KANNIBALISME De tre mærker under Larsen Agenturs vinger supplerer hinanden godt , idet Meyer har fokus på bukser , Olymp er skjortespecialist , og Digel står for konfektion med fokus på jakkesæt og blazer-jakker . Digel producerer også skjorter , overtøj og tilbehør , herunder sko og bælter , der matcher - et koncept , mange mandlige forbrugere værdsætter højt . Hver sæson kommer Olymp også med skjorter og tilhørende , farvekoordinerede slips . Senest har Olymp opkøbt strikspecialisten März , så nu indeholder kollektionen også matchende basisstrik , poloer og T- shirts , alt efter sæson . - Det er specialisttankegangen , der igen slår igennem . Når Olymp beslutter , at de vil udvide med strik , så køber de sig til den bedste know-how på feltet ved at overtage en førende strikproducent , konstaterer Kasper
Larsen , som glæder sig til at tage det nye showroom i brug . Under modeugen er Kasper Larsen og co . klar til at byde indenfor på Lindgreens Allé 21 - første sal til højre - fra morgen til aften i dagene før , under og efter CIFF og Revolver .
SUMMARY After 33 years in Bella Center , Larsen Agentur moves its showroom to Øens Pakhus . The three brands under Larsen Agentur ' s wings complement each other well , as Meyer focuses on trousers , Olymp is a shirt specialist , while Digel produces ready-towear with a focus on suits and blazers . Digel also sells shirts , outerwear and accessories , including matching shoes and belts - a concept that many male consumers value highly . Each season , Olymp also presents shirts and matching , colour-coordinated ties . Recently , Olymp acquired the German knitting specialist März . This means that the collection
now also includes matching basic knits , polos and T-shirts , depending on the season . - Larsen Agentur is family owned and operated - and the same applies to the three brands we have in the portfolio : Olymp , Digel and Meyer . They also have in common that they are well-run , German specialist companies . During the corona pandemic , it has really proved its worth that our partners are solid companies with a focus on , among other things , delivery security and high quality , states Kasper Larsen . Also , the companies - each with the 2nd or 3rd generation at the helm today - have had the liquidity and ability to accelerate product development and innovation . This is why Olymp , Digel and Meyer present stronger collections for Spring / Summer 2022 than ever before , says CEO Kasper Larsen . The three brands also offer broad NOOS programs , from which retailers can easily and quickly order products all year round .
39 · MODEBRANCHEN . · ISSUE NO 03 · 2021