NTSP 1 | Page 6



Community Service is an important activity every person should embrace as they are growing up. Doing community service, a person will find themself and be exposed to the lifestyles of other people, which also tends to make the volunteer more aware of the needs of the less fortunate. Volunteering also contributes to the result of more teenagers being more grateful for everything they have and thus they give more.

At first I thought the purpose of doing the service was mainly for academic reasons. There were no material compensations, but the priceless rewards I received were unmatchable by any amount of money I would most likely receive. It was all worth it because of all the reactions from my neighbors

Helping out others through community service has made me learn so much about others as well as myself. Being able to help build a school made me realize how lucky I am and even strengthened my knowledge about my own surroundings. The smallest favors you do for someone can make such an impact especially when asking for nothing in return. I feel so happy to be able to help someone and make his or her lives easier. The first thing my community service taught me is that there is so much extra help needed in places you wouldn’t even think of. Not everyone can afford to hire someone for help or to do work and doing it without pay made me feel better as a person because it wasn’t like I didn’t get anything in return, I built character skills.

Next, community service taught me that if everyone would just pitch in a couple hours of help we could get so much accomplished in this world. Imagine if everyone on the earth did just one small deed for someone who could use the help, the world would be a better and friendlier place.

In conclusion, my community service hours have made me into a better person. Even though my amount of hours needed are complete, I’ll never want to quit helping others. Because I believe that when I help others, I’m also helping myself.

Rei Maderazo