Ben hogan
Ben Hogan Jr. Cup matches
The Northern Texas PGA and Southern Texas PGA
competed in the inaugural Ben Hogan Junior Cup
Matches at Shady Oaks Country Club July 18-19, 2016.
The event will be an annual competition between the
Northern and Southern Texas PGA Junior Tours’ top six
boys and top six girls aged 13-18. The Matches provide
a unique, one-of-a-kind experience for each Tour’s best
playing junior golfers.
The Ryder Cup style format features 12 junior golfers from
each Tour competing in 18-hole Four-Ball and Foursome
Matches the first day followed by 18-hole Singles Matches
the final day. Shady Oaks Country Club will host, and
the Northern Texas PGA will conduct the Matches each
year. Established in 1958, Shady Oaks Country Club has
a rich history including being the longtime home for the
tournament’s namesake, Ben Hogan.