NTFB FY24 Annual Report | Page 3

Mary retired just as the cost of groceries skyrocketed and she says she struggled to pay for nutritious food alongside other necessities , like housing and medication . Fortunately , an NTFB partner pantry now provides her with produce and dry goods to supplement the groceries she buys each month . The food ensures she can eat healthy while managing her diabetes and also allows her to provide for her granddaughter , who often stays with her .
“ I appreciate it very much . It ’ s a blessing .” – Mary

Our Vision

A hunger-free , healthy North Texas .

Our Mission

To close the hunger gap in North Texas by providing access to nutritious food .
NTFB ’ s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2024 ( FY24 ) reflects the impact made between July 1 , 2023 and June 30 , 2024 .