NTFB Documents FY15 Annual Report | Page 15

Community Kitchen “I learned so much that will be useful for years to come. I enjoyed each and every minute of helping others while learning.” - Texas Second Chance participant Now in its fifteenth year, NTFB’s Community Kitchen prepared nearly 223,000 meals for local homeless shelters and soup kitchens. The meals, which include items like beef spaghetti, chicken stew, and pork tenderloin with blackeyed peas, are frozen and transported to Partner Agencies that serve the meals in their facilities. Texas Second Chance Program The Community Kitchen meals are prepared by two paid staff members with the help of inmates from Hutchins State Jail, through the Texas Second Chance Program. The program allows selected prison confinees to volunteer at NTFB up to five days per week. As volunteer food-service laborers, they receive job-skills training that prepares them to successfully reintegrate into the community after their release. In addition to their work preparing meals, inmates also help sort and pack food in the distribution center and assist with set-up, food preparation and clean up for on-site luncheons and events. Last year, Hutchins inmates contributed a combined 11,000 hours of work within NTFB’s distribution center and Community Kitchen.